The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Gift Exchange 2020

Dave, I don't think you understand how parenting works.....
Oh, my friend, I know exactly how it works. I tell them this is different and I'm opening it with everyone else. Then I get to listen to their whining and begging about how it's not fair and can't they open some too for the rest of the day.
Only 2020 could give us this.........................................

Twas the Night Before Christmas

“Cadre Style” 2020

T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the Cadre

Not a razor was shaving not even a Tradere

The Stockings were hung by the Shave Den with Care

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there

The TSC members were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of Shave Gear, soaps, Aftershaves, ETC, danced in their heads

And Avocado Queen in her kerchief, and I in my tactical shave vest

Had just settled in when Ruger the cat plopped on my Chest

When out the street there arose such a clatter

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter

Away to the Shave Den Window I flew like a flash

With a Razor in hand and wearing a strop like a sash

The Moon on the breast of the new fallen snow

Gave the look of great lather this I do know

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

But a USPS mail truck, late again with my shave gear

With a clueless driver, so slow and with no empathy

I knew in a moment this must be Twenty-Twenty

Slower than snails his Postal elves now came

And he whistled and cursed them by name

Now, CVargo! Now, Fenster

Now, Spider and, BarberDave

On, Monkey On, DKeester

On, GearNoir, and Nurse Dave

To the front door of the porch

To threshold of the door

Now, get ready to deliver

You better have gotten everything from the store.

As the cactus needles stick as the monsoon rains come

When they meet with an obstacle, bring much pain to some

So up to the house the postmen did toddle with boxes in their arms

That appeared to be mottled

Then in a twinkling I heard at the door, a knock, a pound

Could this be all the stuff from the store, with USPS Ground?

As I opened the door, and looked outside, here came the shave elves

Who smelled like Tide?

The postmaster and Elves were dressed in all gray and blue

Smelled like cardboard and tape, I was about the hurl my stew

The elves were no better looked very tired, by the look of their faces

Today’s shave must have been mired

They spoke not a word and went straight to their work

They filled all the stockings, then turned with a smirk

Sign here please, as he pulled off his mask

It may not all be here so don’t even ask!

He walked to his truck, his team in tow

They piled in the truck saying C’mon let’s go!

But I heard him exclaim as they drove out of sight

Merry Christmas Cadre, It has been a long night!

Oh, my friend, I know exactly how it works. I tell them this is different and I'm opening it with everyone else. Then I get to listen to their whining and begging about how it's not fair and can't they open some too for the rest of the day.
Only 2020 could give us this.........................................

Twas the Night Before Christmas

“Cadre Style” 2020

T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the Cadre

Not a razor was shaving not even a Tradere

The Stockings were hung by the Shave Den with Care

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there

The TSC members were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of Shave Gear, soaps, Aftershaves, ETC, danced in their heads

And Avocado Queen in her kerchief, and I in my tactical shave vest

Had just settled in when Ruger the cat plopped on my Chest

When out the street there arose such a clatter

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter

Away to the Shave Den Window I flew like a flash

With a Razor in hand and wearing a strop like a sash

The Moon on the breast of the new fallen snow

Gave the look of great lather this I do know

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

But a USPS mail truck, late again with my shave gear

With a clueless driver, so slow and with no empathy

I knew in a moment this must be Twenty-Twenty

Slower than snails his Postal elves now came

And he whistled and cursed them by name

Now, CVargo! Now, Fenster

Now, Spider and, BarberDave

On, Monkey On, DKeester

On, GearNoir, and Nurse Dave

To the front door of the porch

To threshold of the door

Now, get ready to deliver

You better have gotten everything from the store.

As the cactus needles stick as the monsoon rains come

When they meet with an obstacle, bring much pain to some

So up to the house the postmen did toddle with boxes in their arms

That appeared to be mottled

Then in a twinkling I heard at the door, a knock, a pound

Could this be all the stuff from the store, with USPS Ground?

As I opened the door, and looked outside, here came the shave elves

Who smelled like Tide?

The postmaster and Elves were dressed in all gray and blue

Smelled like cardboard and tape, I was about the hurl my stew

The elves were no better look very tired, by the look of their faces

Today’s shave must have been mired

They spoke not a word and went straight to their work

They filled all the stockings, then turned with a smirk

Sign here please, as he pulled off his mask

It may not all be here so don’t even ask!

He walked to his truck, his team in tow

They piled in the truck saying C’mon let’s go!

But I heard him exclaim as they drove out of sight

Merry Christmas Cadre, It has been a long night!

Seriously though Dave...this is awesome!
Some more 2020 Christmas Jocularity....... "My Friend" Kyle @uacowboy was so nice to me to day as we exchanged gifts..... I received some wonderful Tamales and two Candy canes of which he would not tell me the flavor. Of course once home I tasted and was immediately taken to a very dark disgusting place....... As many of you know I disdain peppermint of any type while the "boss" @AvocadoQueen loves it. This will play an important role later in this narrative..... Once tasted we both agreed that, although we had never tasted a Tennis Shoes that has spent a week in a duck pen, this is what it would approximate....

Later being informed that it was.... Yes... wait for it..... CLAMDYCANE. Yes a Clam flavored Candy Cane, of which does not taste like candy nor clams. So I must give the new moniker to Kyle, thus stripping @CVargo of the title....

Now these Aberrations that pretend to be candy canes now rest with our Satan Christmas Elf which is now over 70 years old and bares a remarkable resemblance to the original Dr. Smith from Lost in Space.

Happy Holidays!!!!!


PS Kyle @uacowboy the next bottle of Monkey Shoulder I buy you might be Elk Urine LOL
Down to the wire! Everyone has at least one gift to open, some 2nd packages are still in transit (fingers crossed)
No opening until Christmas Day, photos are required, videos encouraged.
Remember, it is required that you take a picture of what you receive and post it in this thread. (And if you know me, I'll be tracking this!)

And, it is highly encouraged that you take a video, recording yourself opening your gifts. I know for me, seeing someone open their gift, and seeing or hearing their reaction as they open them is the greatest joy in holiday gift giving. Like Parents on Christmas morning, the best thing is just sitting back on the couch, drinking coffee, and watching the kids go to town on the presents!

I'd love to see as many videos as possible. I know, if you aren't used to VLOGing, this may be a little daunting. If you need any help, let us know. ALSO, just because you are recording yourself, doesn't mean you need to record your face. I know some people don't want their face online, and that's fine too. Last year, ShawnF recorded himself, only from the chest down and it was just as good a video as any other. We still got to watch him open his gifts and hear his reactions. (And another thing, when you upload a video to YouTube, you can make it private. Nobody on YouTube will be able to see it or search for it. It will only be visible in this thread when you post it. Again, if you need help, ask!)

Please consider it, and if you only make one video this year, this is the perfect time to do it!

Tagging, just so everyone sees this....
@NurseDave @The Monkey @BarberDave @GearNoir
@Fenster @Majorrich @uacowboy @gobucks5485 @CVargo @mrdoug @BadgerFiend @CBLindsay @MarkB @DeepSea @Fightingillini22 @OpusX @Maryland998 @dangerousdon @bobmsp @Luecke3262