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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Gift Exchange 2019

Merry Christmas, everyone! You boys start early; wifey is just crawling out of bed now (9:30) :ROFLMAO:
Ho ho ho. Good to see you Chad. Surprised the kids weren’t already up and attacking the presents yet!
Well gifted KJ! Way to make him work for it!
Nice video @ShawnF ; KJ is evil! 🤪
It was a team effort. Amber and I spent one whole evening wrapping and boxing (and wrapping and boxing.....) the gifts up for Shawn. I didn’t actually intend on doing it that way initially, it just kinda morphed into that as we went..... then it became a game of how many times we could wrap something. Amber and I just watched the opening video. And it was everything we’d hoped it would be!
It was a team effort. Amber and I spent one whole evening wrapping and boxing (and wrapping and boxing.....) the gifts up for Shawn. I didn’t actually intend on doing it that way initially, it just kinda morphed into that as we went..... then it became a game of how many times we could wrap something. Amber and I just watched the opening video. And it was everything we’d hoped it would be!
Thanks to you and Amber for that experience! It was fun in an odd sort of way to be on the receiving end of that instead of the one doing it. :ROFLMAO:
I do that sort of stuff all the time. One time I gave a gift that they opened the wrapping paper, then pulled off 2 rolls of duct tape around the box, to find a ball of 3 rolls of saran wrap around a wooden box and a screwdriver. They took the screws out of the wooden box to find a fortune cookie with a new "fortune" telling them where the real gift was hidden in the house.