The Shaving Cadre

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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Gift Exchange 2018

I’m working in the morning and heading out to spend Christmas with family as soon as I get out, so I’ll be taking them with me and opening them in the afternoon. I’m looking forward to seeing all the pics and videos!
Like others I'll be opening mine some time during the daylight hours tomorrow

Trying to get this 4 year old to sleep. He is so excited!
Connor before he finally dozed off, "dad if you hear ho ho ho or hooves on the roof promise you'll come get me?"
Well, for the first time since I have had kids, I am going to sleep before midnight on Christmas Eve. I will see what I got in the morning.

I considered staying up for the extra 30 minutes though simply because I recognize the handwriting and one of the boxes has a very familiar shape. But there will be less awake waiting of I just go to sleep.
years ago my nephew asked :Since Santa was always watching......was he peeking at me in the bathroom?"
My reply..." Go ask your mother."
Merry Christmas to all my friends on the east coast!