The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Rich Tries to post a video.

This is my favorite type of razor. I have several different Swedish makers that use this grind. Nothing against the Sheffield ones but they dont compare to the Swedes.

Rich, I'm jealous over a 7 day set of these fine blades. They are very haed so they take a lot of work to hone.
I have not gotten my hands on the Swedish ones yet but i'm sure i will eventually. I always hear good things for sure. I also generally like the heavy grinds and for those, Sheffield is where it's at!
A bit late but...Go get the rest of that sweet corn brother! 🥴

Nice history on your KT set!
“By gosh I’m smooth” :ROFLMAO:

Nice job Rich! Didn’t realize that Rubberset was still original knot too! Nice! Love that handle every time I see it!
Well Rich, throw in a few videos of you swimming in jello and exploring abandoned buildings and you can me another career of this YouTube thing.
Strong shave, Rich! I'll get one of those things eventually. It looks almost too easy to use.