The Shaving Cadre

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Rich Tries to post a video.

I was a belly sleeper before going on the CPAP. Now side sleeping seems to be irritating my shoulder, my chiropractor said my shoulder is kind of locked up.
Hmmm, I still sleep on my stomach. I have the tightness on my mask set so that it needs one side pressing against the pillow to make a good seal.
Funny to wake to this discussion, I had to get up at 3 but was up at 1:30 sopping up water and putting my cpap machine back together after flipping over in bed and apparently doing a wrestling move to the machine since the hose was wrapped around me. Kinda takes from a sound sleep to WIDE AWAKE in 0 to 60 time. LOUD crash !! Didn't know the machine is/was snapped together from 2 pieces. It all appears back together and ready for tonight's sleep/rematch
Funny to wake to this discussion, I had to get up at 3 but was up at 1:30 sopping up water and putting my cpap machine back together after flipping over in bed and apparently doing a wrestling move to the machine since the hose was wrapped around me. Kinda takes from a sound sleep to WIDE AWAKE in 0 to 60 time. LOUD crash !! Didn't know the machine is/was snapped together from 2 pieces. It all appears back together and ready for tonight's sleep/rematch

Can we get a video of that?

Good shave Rich!

What will our kids have to hang on to in the future? The same things we’re holding on to now from past generations and nothing from their own most likely. All their stuff will be highly consumable and temporary as you say.
Interesting thoughts Rich. KJ came up with an interesting system for people born after the Gillette date code. Letter from there name or something became their year. Maybe he'll chime in. Thanks for the video
Meant to say I remember Woolworth's and have/had a skillet labeled Woolworth's from their kitchen. I'll try to find and get a picture
Funny story, my wife LOVES her Ice Cream too !!