The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate

951D2F3A-1452-4B1A-A092-FE12D624D102.jpegShave Count (DE: 413 SE: 9 SR: 497)

Pre Shave-
Strop: none
Splash and go

Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Wizamet (3)
Brush: Yaqi Sagrada Familia Badger
Soap: Stirling Gentleman

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Stirling Gentleman
Frag: none

The Process -
TGITHMF! That's right friends and neighbors, it's that time of the week again. Early morning shave and mixed up the kit ... I know, I know. Anyway I kicked the stench to the curb and grabbed the Stirling Gentleman ... ah ... good stuff. The Gillette Tech is back on deck because I'm smitten with it at the moment. And the Yaqi is back in, to work on the break in and try and get rid of the remaining badger funk ... ew. I hit the Stirling with a 30 second and got to work. It built a very nice lather quickly and it smelled great. As you know, Stirling is my go to soap and it is a workhorse.

I went with my standard three pass shave of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. Yup, I am just smitten with this razor ... it just works. Vintage Rocks! Three easy peasy passes and I am BBS for the win. I was able to hold he scent all the way through the shave and yes my friends, it was glorious. I have not found a bad blade for the Tech yet ... but then again, I'm not looking. I had plenty of lather to work with and even had plenty for the post shave while I cleaned my shave gear. Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and a pat dry. Followed that with a health splash of the AS and everything was right as rain! Thank goodness. I am back on track and ready for the day. Life is good!
Anyway I kicked the stench to the curb
Shave Count (DE: 414 SE: 9 SR: 497)

Pre Shave-
Strop: none
Splash and go

Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Wizamet (4)
Brush: Stirling Boar
Soap: MWF

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Ethos Lavender Supreme
Frag: none

The Process -
Great late morning shave. The Fat was on deck and since it will pair with anything, the Ethos got the nod. Easy peasy BBS shave. Life is good

Home Front -
Had to take the bulldog and one horse to the vet. Nothing serious, but dang ... it would have been cheaper to go to work. Steaks marinating for dinner ... a great day indeed.
Shave Count (DE: 415 SE: 9 SR: 497)

Pre Shave-
Strop: none
Splash and go

Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Wizamet (4)
Brush: Yaqi Sagrada Familia Badger
Soap: SV Opuntia

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: SV Opuntia
Frag: none

The Process-
Outstanding late morning shave. The missus was rushing me, so I grabbed the Tech again. Easy peasy three pass shave and I am BBS! Man that was a very nice shave and I smell amazing! Life is good!

Home Front-
Brought the weekend in last night with steaks and some Shark Week. Today there are a few errands to run and we’ll see how the day progresses. Have a great day folks!