The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Nice shave, Tim. Sounds like a really fun trade even if the shipping was expensive. I wonder if I have any people in Mexico that know of any decent soaps.
So my Yaqi brush finally made it here. I know a lot of people went with the synth, but I was looking for a smaller badger. To me, my DSC just seems a bit large.


Here they are side by side. The DSC is 26mm and the Yaqi is 22mm. Well crap, it looks like a travel brush. Maybe 24mm will be my sweet spot.


Shave Count (DE: 410 SE: 9 SR: 496)

Pre Shave-
Strop: none
Splash and go

Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Astra SP
Brush: Yaqi Badger
Soap: Stirling Gentleman

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Stirling Gentleman
Frag: none

The Process -
Outstanding late morning shave. I am BBS and smelling great. Took the Yaqi for a test drive this morning. The handle is a bit small, but it lathered well. Life is good!
So my Yaqi brush finally made it here. I know a lot of people went with the synth, but I was looking for a smaller badger. To me, my DSC just seems a bit large.

View attachment 32130

Here they are side by side. The DSC is 26mm and the Yaqi is 22mm. Well crap, it looks like a travel brush. Maybe 24mm will be my sweet spot.

View attachment 32131
Great brush the SF! I have a 24mm tuxedo in mine...had no clue you get Badger...
979C2FE2-07DC-4C81-8FD0-B8BC0F9CD1E4.jpegShave Count (DE: 411 SE: 9 SR: 496)

Pre Shave-
Strop: none
Splash and go

Razor: Gillette New LC
Blade: Wizamet (1)
Brush: Yaqi Badger
Soap: Stirling Deton-8

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Stirling Deton-8
Frag: none

The Process -
Early(ish) morning shave. I was up on time, but got sidetracked with YouTube videos. I was wrapped up in some blown Chevy motors with electronic exhaust diverter. Way too cool. Anyway, I was a bit behind schedule, so another DE got the nod. On deck today was the Gillette New LC, a very pleasant razor indeed. This one is not a real looker, but everything is straight and it shaves nice. Stayed with Stirling and broke out the Deton-8. Sounded like a good choice for the day. The badger whipped up a really nice lather with a 30 second load time.

I broke from the norm and went with a two pass shave of WTG and ATG with no drama to report. So I was pressed for time and mixing things all up, so the shave was a tad lacking. Nothing dramatic, but I missed a bit on the jaw line. So we will call this shave a DFS+. The lather was great and performed as you would expect from Stirling. And with a 30 second load time, I had plenty left for a post shave while I cleaned the shave gear. Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and a pat dry. Followed that with a healthy splash of the AS and everything was right as rain! Yup, I'm digging this scent and it was a great choice to start the week off. Life is good!

Home Front -
So last week I had a lazy staycation and it was nice. I didn't really get anything accomplished. The weekend went way too fast, but I got a few things accomplished. Hung some lights for my dad. I also spent a good chunk of time on Saturday cleaning up a virus that the missus picked up on the computer. It was a Chrome pop-up virus and we caught it before it could do too much damage, but they are a pain to deal with. Also had dinner with Deb's oldest son last night. It was good to have some time to untie the knots, so to speak, and then get back in the groove again.