The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate


Shave Count (DE: 409 SE: 9 SR: 494)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller
Splash and go

Razor: Black Diamond SR
Blade: none
Brush: Zenith Boar
Soap: Stirling Piacenza

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Stirling Piacenza
Frag: none

The Process -
Late morning shave ... oh yeah! Was a bit indecisive today but opted for a lighter scent. Stirling is my go to soap and it did a great job again today. The light scent was the right choice. Went with a two pass shave and almost had it. I just missed a smidge on my jawline, so we’ll call it DFS+. Life is good!

Home Front -
Working on getting the garage straightened up a bit and it’s hot out here. Picked up a buffing wheel for the bench grinder, so I’ll get that installed today too. I’m looking forward to playing with that. Well after 90 days, the Yaqi brush didn’t show up. The vendor offered a refund and I was able to pick one up one the bay. Hopefully it will get here. I think that’s all I have for you today.
978BE0DB-E61E-453B-AE6B-39783EB4E35F.jpegShave Count (DE: 409 SE: 9 SR: 495)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller
Splash and go

Razor: Black Diamond SR
Blade: none
Brush: Graydog Boar
Soap: Haslinger Marigold

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Florida Water
Frag: none

The Process -
Late morning shave and it was very nice. Haslinger got the nod today, since I haven’t used it much lately. This is the newer veggie version, but it works well for me. Used a really wet brush and a 45 second load time to crank up some really nice lather. This is a lightly scented soap that gives you room to use any AS.

20 laps on linen and 60 on leather and it was go time. Went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. A very nice, comfortable shave and I am BBS. Had plenty of lather left for a post shave while I cleaned my shave gear too.

Wrapped everything up with a splash of water and a pat dry. Followed that up with a healthy splash of the AS and everything was right as rain! Come on, it’s Florida Water. Oh ... I had a recent discovery last time I used the FW. The missus doesn’t like it. Hm ... once “The Rona” stuff clears up, I’ll have to have a doctor check her out. Life is good!

Home Front -
I goofed off way too much during my mental health week off. I can only assume that was for the best. Post office run today and probably the hardware store. I need some pieces for my grinder to get this buffing wheel attached. Also got a chance yesterday to browse some horses for sale. Nothing came of it. Off to run errands, be careful out there
Great report Tim! Glad you had a decent week off!
Oh ... I had a recent discovery last time I used the FW. The missus doesn’t like it. Hm ... once “The Rona” stuff clears up, I’ll have to have a doctor check her out.

Shave Count (DE: 409 SE: 9 SR: 496)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller
Splash and go

Razor: Henckels SR
Blade: none
Brush: DSCosmetic Badger
Soap: Krokos

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Ethos Lavender
Frag: none

The Process -
Nice late morning shave to start the day. Krokos hasn’t had much time on deck, so it got the nod. It has a nice light Saffron scent that rinses clean and will pair with any AS. I picked it up in a trade for some soaps I had for trade on a BST. The guy was in Israel and wasn’t sure if I would trade, but he hit me up anyway. He wanted to try an American soap so I packed him up several, not realizing the shipping cost. An expensive trade, but it was cool. We had several chats and he sent me pics of Israel while we awaited deliveries. Pretty cool exchange. Anyway, a 20 second load time and the soap exploded in the brush.

20 laps on linen and 60 on leather and it was go time. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. A very nice shave and I am BBS for the win! Oh yeah! Had tons of lather left for a post shave while I cleaned my shave gear.

Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. Followed that up with a splash of the AS and everything was right as rain! I lucked into this AS. I bought the Ethos Succes and Lavender soap/AS sets and the missus didn’t need the AS. Hm ... ok. I now use this for lighter scents that don’t have a matching AS. I’m digging the Lavender too. Life is good!