The Shaving Cadre

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Alrighty, KJ, that was fun!

Here is another number puzzle. Take the following expression:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 1

Using any mathematical symbols you like, add the required elements to make this expression true.

The ONLY RULES are, you cannot add or remove digits, you cannot change the order of the digits that are present, and you cannot simply change "equals" to "not equals"

There is more than one solution, but there is one solution that is the absolute simplest and most elegant. If more than one person comes up with a solution, whoever gets the simplest solution will be declared the winner.
That is certainly a solution, KJ. Can you think of something a little more elegant, using fewer operators? Anyone else?

Well, it's not what I would call elegant, but it has far fewer operators!

0 * (1234567) - 8 + 9 = 1
Well, it's not what I would call elegant, but it has far fewer operators!

0 * (1234567) - 8 + 9 = 1

LOL, I don't think anyone else would get closer, so you are the winner!

Just for fun, the simplest solution for this one would probably be:

What is hidden in this poem? (Hint, it's math related)

Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling
In mystic force and magic spelling
Celestial sprites elucidate
All my own striving cant relate
What is hidden in this poem? (Hint, it's math related)

Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling
In mystic force and magic spelling
Celestial sprites elucidate
All my own striving cant relate
You stumped us, KJ! (And I just barely found this thread.)
I gotta go through the thread and make sure I don't duplicate something but I will try to get a new one up soon.
Ok here we go:

How many bricks does it take to complete a building made of bricks?

Please explain your answer.
Ok, I have one.

Even when it is on the ground, Air Force One has taken off more times than it has landed. How?
I'm likely thinking about it incorrectly, but it did get me thinking. I was actually going down a path where it landed more times than it took off because at one point it became Air Force One while in the air when LBJ became president, which could result in one more landing than take-off.