The Shaving Cadre

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On the razors edge with Galaktus

The man who doesn't seem to have such a great reputation.

May 28, 2020 Shave 155
Genco Henry XX
Arko 47
Rubberset 600N
Lime Sec

Tried to touch up the Genco with a lot of love on my primitive Arkansas surgical black. Didn't seem to do a whole lot. Oh well. Gotta order some lapping film soon.
Ordered some lapping film from Thorlabs. Got 5um, 3 and 1. I till have three or four strips of the virtually unused .03 from a sample pack order a few years back. I dont see me using it all that much anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to totally eliminate the Norton 4/8 combo stone. No matter how much I try to keep the surface wet it clogs up with swarf very quickly.

May 29, 2020 Shave 156
Gold Dollar 1996
What The Puck Lime 1
Oliveweood synth
Florida Water
Decided to change up my soap and decided on one of the oldest in my stockpile, What The Puck Lime from Italian Barber. I bought a bunch when they had a sale for like 2 dollars a puck. Got three Lime and three Orange. I tried the Blue, but it the powdery scent didn't grab me. This Lime doesn't seem to have a whole lot of scent left. After I shaved with it, performance was great by the way, I liked a bunch of holes in it and poured a bunch of Clubman Lime Sec on it. Let's see how this fares.
May 30, 2020 Shave 157
Gold Dollar 1996
What The Puck Lime 2
Bruce synthetic brush
Osage Rub

Started out tonight with a good shave. Then I went to work. I work an admin position on the front desk. My town is one of the ones getting hit with the protests. As I write this it's been 7 1/2 hours since I got here, 4 1/2 to go, but it seems like I've been here for 3 or 4 days. Quite an emotionally draining day, and I'm not even on the front lines. I'm handling a lot of calls over the phone, stuff that would usually be handled by an officer or two in person. I've had the displeasure of telling people that no deputy is coming out, me over the phone is all they can expect tonight. I hate to do it, but we've had a riot at a local mall and literally every available officer in the entire county was sent to it. Some people are understanding, and others are well...not so understanding. Usually when I get home about 0620 I stay up and read the news sites, and get to bed around 0730 to 0800. I can see me being asleep today at 0621.
A few years ago when I got this desk position, my wife used to ask me all the time if I missed being on the road. I would always tell her no. After 30 years and 4 months, I think that's a game better played by younger men, lol. Tonight she's watching the news and is sick to her stomach, not knowing what's going on. I try to keep her up to date on happenings out here. Thanks for reading and letting me vent.
Stay safe Laz and thanks for what you do, never in a billion years did I think our, town much less our state would be under Curfew. Prayers to you
Thank you all for your concern! Tonight was a polar opposite of yesterday. It's almost eerily.....normal out there. Not that I'm complaining.
The Lime Sec soak wasn't really a soak, more of a splash to soak into the soap, not a bath for the puck. Still loads likes triple milled soap.

I can imagine it’s quite a shocker to call for police help and be told it’s not coming. Not a fun position to be in for sure.
I was a field training officer for many years. One of the things I taught my recruits was that the hardest thing we do is to tell someone no, we can't do that. Case in point, the unhappy woman yesterday called about someone throwing a few eggs on her apartment door. She didn't see who did it, but is sure it was one of her neighbors. She wanted me to trespass the neighbor. I told her I can't do that, the law doesn't allow us to issue a trespass warning to someone that's not physically at the property. She didn't want to accept that, and insisted we send someone anyway to talk to her neighbor. First off, she's assuming, and even probably correctly, who the suspect is. But that's not enough to go "talk to someone". What if her guess is wrong? Then we are harassing an innocent person without probable cause, not even mere suspicion, just a guess, which is no where near legal standard of proof. Second, I'm sorry, due to the rioting and protesting, we can't spare even one car. She was so upset. She cursed me and hung up. Half an hour later, she called our dispatch, who tried to take her call again. I told them to give it to another officer who is working with me. This female deputy told the woman the exact same thing I did but the woman was perfectly happy with her.

May 31, 2020 Shave 158
Gold Dollar 66
What The Puck Lime 3
Shave Revolution synthetic
Florida Water
Decent shave, the 66 needs a bit of work. Lapping film is on the way, should be here this week.
Day off today. Got two pucks of CBL Steel Grey Fougere today from the blowout sale. I don't detect any scent from it at all, but I know my sense of smell has changed in the last few years. I can now tolerate Tabac, lol.
Going for a ride tomorrow with some friends, but I have to cut it short. My wife and I will be headed to her brothers house, 2 hours south, and spend the night. She's taking her nursing exam Wednesday morning down by him, so we decided to pay them a visit for the night instead of getting up at oh dark thirty and drive two hours.

Jun 01, 2020 Shave 159
Gold Dollar 1996
What The Puck Lime 4
Rubberset 600N
Lustray Blue Spice

A great shave, not a whole lot to report on it.
You ever have one of those shaves that just makes you mad? This one did.
Jun 02, 2020 Shave 160
Gold Dollar 1996
CBL Steel Grey Fougere 1
Fuller synth restore
Florida Water
I got torqued when the Fuller with a brand new synthetic knot decided to shed. I've never even seen a synth that sheds, and this one must have had a dozen that dislodged and got stuck on the soap. I don't know why but it got me mad. Picked out the loose hairs and continued on.
Went down to Punta Gorda, and decided to bring a DE just for convenience.
Jun 03, 2020 Shave 161
Lupo (aluminum)
Treet Durasharp 1
Tabac 6
Shave Revolution synth
Skin Bracer/Florida Water

And my wife passed her nursing test! Mrs Galaktus, RN! Woo-hoo
Congrats to the missus!

Bummer about the brush. It’s always disappointing when that happens...:cautious: