The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

I am still deciding LOL
While it has been viciously rumored that I have engaged in the despicable practice of shaving goods enablement, it is simply an in provable allegation.

That said, the original mfg run of theses pieces totaled 333. Scuttlebutt exists suggesting that a deliberate change in a second mfg run would enhance the value of those originals.
Dude, I cornered the market then owning a whole 1/333 of available stock.
While it has been viciously rumored that I have engaged in the despicable practice of shaving goods enablement, it is simply an in provable allegation.

That said, the original mfg run of theses pieces totaled 333. Scuttlebutt exists suggesting that a deliberate change in a second mfg run would enhance the value of those originals.
You forget to who are talking too young padawan enabler. Obviously you have nor heard of the Central Enablement Center and its agents LOL
But I’m not an evil rotten liar
But we can’t rule out that you have mystical powers that could be used in nefarious ways…all I’m saying is that I watched your videos ab]nd then bought a Tedalus, now Nurse Dave has done the same very shortly after you joined the cadre

Plus we may now all believe that shavette and chevette are synonymous

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Don't knock the Chevette. It least it isn't a Vega...the car that rusted in the showroom.

My first car was a 77 Chevy Impala...two door...not that fancy four door. I think it got something like six miles to the gallon. The door was so heavy I kept adding washers to the hinges to lift it up. I finally got to the point were there was nothing more I could do. So I sold it for tree-fitty.

This pic was pretty much identical to the car I had.
