The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Shaving World

My first car was a 77 Chevy Impala...two door...not that fancy four door. I think it got something like six miles to the gallon. The door was so heavy I kept adding washers to the hinges to lift it up. I finally got to the point were there was nothing more I could do. So I sold it for tree-fitty.

This pic was pretty much identical to the car I had.

My Hornet was an SST. Which only increased my insurance premium, but not my street cred. Chicks dug the gas cap.
My first car was like this. Pontiac Fiero with the sunroof that stored under the front trunk. With the mid-engine and your butt practically sitting on the road hardly had to slow down for any corners. Except for it only weighed like 50lbs so in the rain it was just as easy to do an unintentional 360.
When I read that TSC requires shirts for shave videos, I thought it was a class act on the high road.

When you pull out that ‘shave piece’ nobody really cares how much mileage is on your shirt. Pepper that with an injury and it is A-okay with me.