The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2246 days of consecutive shaving - 1015 open-blade
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (5)
AP smoke knot
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Just decided to use up what was left in the bowl today. Earlier this week there were heat warnings for the weekend, but things have tempered down so it should be beautiful around the bay. But my wife wants to go to the Renaissance Faire which is in BFE to the SE from us where it will be in the 90s. WHeeee!! Sunday will be regulated to a deck day.
2247 days of consecutive shaving - 1015 open-blade
Blackland Vector w/ manly handle w/ Schick Proline (3)
MacDuffs Kananaskis Explorer
Paladin Brush of Shame
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

2249 days of consecutive shaving - 1015 open-blade
Blackland Vector w/ manly handle w/ Schick Proline (4)
Speick stick
Custom synth
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Le Labo balm

2250 days of consecutive shaving - 1015 open-blade
Blackland Vector w/ manly handle w/ Schick Proline (5)
Speick stick
Maggard synth
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Le Labo balm

Pretty good weekend. Started with a move back to the Vector, but I couldn't deal with the sissy ole handle it comes with, so we fixed that. The Rennaisance Faire was good. After over 10 years of talking about it, my wife finally bought a costume there. It's fairly basic, but she should be able to wear the dress to the Dicken's Faire and buy something there to put over it to make it look Christmasy to wear there as well. They have more food booths now than they did last time we went but everything else is pretty much the same. Sad part is our favorite comedian doesn't do this fair anymore. And the other we like that does still come here hasn't changed his act in....well it's been the same as long as we've seen it. Stopped at the outlet shops on the way home and then vegged. Sunday was pretty chill, starting to get ready for our trip to D.C. My dad had wanted to do one last big trip to Europe by going first class with everything as they have never really splurged on much. But my mom didn't want to be that far from American healthcare so I suggested D.C. and we would meet them there. So dad is using up his miles and flying 1st class for the first time in their lives and they are staying at a nice hotel. We got us tickets to see the White House, a show at Kenney Center, a tasting menu at a Michelin-star restaurant, and a private electric buggy for a night tour of the monuments. All stuff they have never done. Planning on hitting the African American Museum, the Library of Congress, and the Spy Museum. My parents are coming back one day before us and we’ll see my wife’s cousins in Virginia for a day. Should be a good but busy trip.

My dad had wanted to do one last big trip to Europe by going first class with everything as they have never really splurged on much. But my mom didn't want to be that far from American healthcare so I suggested D.C. and we would meet them there. So dad is using up his miles and flying 1st class for the first time in their lives and they are staying at a nice hotel.
That’s really great! Exciting!
Couple of tips for D.C.:

Try to see the Korean war memorial at night. The lighting adds to the experience.
See the Roosevelt memorial....Anytime. Hopefully the water is on. It also adds to the experience.
If you can, go to the office of your Representative. They can give you passes to the Capitol.
Skip the Jefferson Memorial..... he didn't want a memorial.

Have fun.
2250 days of consecutive shaving - 1015 open-blade
Blackland Vector w/ manly handle w/ Schick Proline (5)
Speick stick
Maggard synth
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Le Labo balm

Pretty good weekend. Started with a move back to the Vector, but I couldn't deal with the sissy ole handle it comes with, so we fixed that. The Rennaisance Faire was good. After over 10 years of talking about it, my wife finally bought a costume there. It's fairly basic, but she should be able to wear the dress to the Dicken's Faire and buy something there to put over it to make it look Christmasy to wear there as well. They have more food booths now than they did last time we went but everything else is pretty much the same. Sad part is our favorite comedian doesn't do this fair anymore. And the other we like that does still come here hasn't changed his act in....well it's been the same as long as we've seen it. Stopped at the outlet shops on the way home and then vegged. Sunday was pretty chill, starting to get ready for our trip to D.C. My dad had wanted to do one last big trip to Europe by going first class with everything as they have never really splurged on much. But my mom didn't want to be that far from American healthcare so I suggested D.C. and we would meet them there. So dad is using up his miles and flying 1st class for the first time in their lives and they are staying at a nice hotel. We got us tickets to see the White House, a show at Kenney Center, a tasting menu at a Michelin-star restaurant, and a private electric buggy for a night tour of the monuments. All stuff they have never done. Planning on hitting the African American Museum, the Library of Congress, and the Spy Museum. My parents are coming back one day before us and we’ll see my wife’s cousins in Virginia for a day. Should be a good but busy trip.

View attachment 136352
Sound like a fun trip.. I liked when I went to DC.. Its been years since I went though... Have fun..
Try to see the Korean war memorial at night. The lighting adds to the experience.
See the Roosevelt memorial
private electric buggy for a night tour of the monuments

If you can, go to the office of your Representative. They can give you passes to the Capitol.
We had Government Relations at my wife's work hook us up with the White House tour but passed on the Capital. We also got tickets to the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, but we're skipping that for the Spy Museum and their display of Bond cars!
What??? Don't skip the Bureau of Printing and Engraving....they give out free samples if you know the password.......the password is Bougie.
I just got back from DC. My group also did a night tour which was very cool. I was there primarily for a religious conference, so spent more time at the St. JPII Shrine and the Basilica. From a art perspective even if not religious the Basilica is worth going to for an hour at least. Also I'd recommend seeing Arlington.

Korean Memorial and MLK Memorial at night are very special.
2251 days of consecutive shaving - 1016 open-blade
Tedalus Essence w/ Feather Proguard (3)
PdP 63
Paladin Honey Oscar Noir
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Le Labo balm

One more day, then up at 4am to take to the sky and let loose the bonds of earth. Actually, it's more of a mental test in a tin can of how early in the day you don't look like an alcoholic asking for free scotch.
