The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Nice recovery shave today Dave. I'm going to be joining you on the sidelines for a couple of shaves in recovery as well.
Dagwoodz said:
Nice recovery shave today Dave. I'm going to be joining you on the sidelines for a couple of shaves in recovery as well.

Quite the dilemma some days. I feel like I need to put my time in with the straight. But the sore neck takes its toll.
2018 shave #86 (DE:11 SE:30 Str:45 Cart:2)

Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
L&L Original
SV 70th
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm
SV 70th AS

Figured my neck was healed enough to try another straight shave. And I was going to nail it today. How? I dunno. Put I was all about going very slow, watching pressure and angle. I think I discovered that how I'm watching the shave in the mirror, there are times my angle might be getting too big, but I don't see it because I'm looking at the razor straight on and can't see it lifting away. I did better with skin stretching as well. Even when I'm stretching my neck out, I applied a little traction and it seemed to help. I did get a closer shave than my normal straight shaves. Did some neck clean up with the SS. But still just short of a BBS.
Nice shave today. Not sure if this has been mentioned before but something to consider.

When I am doing a straight shave I make my lather wetter, which makes it thinner and slicker. Perhaps try that?
Cvargo said:
Nice shave today. Not sure if this has been mentioned before but something to consider.

When I am doing a straight shave I make my lather wetter, which makes it thinner and slicker. Perhaps try that?

I can try a bit thinner. When first used the RX, I noticed the drag on it created by the lather. So I started thinning a bit for that and now do the same for the RX and straights.
Something about Feathers that adds Mojo to the shave and satisfaction when you are able to hit BBS at will with them! Great shaving Dave!
Great shaves Don!

Did you skip from 84 to 88 on purpose? Or is that a numbering error?
clyde72 said:
Great shaves Don!

Did you skip from 84 to 88 on purpose? Or is that a numbering error?

Whoops! Thanks for pointing that out!

Hey, just found out something new about the site. You can go back and edit after a long time.
2018 shave #87 (DE:11 SE:31 Str:45 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (4)
CBL Russian Tea
Plisson synthetic in 24mm Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm
B&M Cheshire AS

Today's rockin' shave brought to you by The Doctor and CBL Soaps Ltd. Got up a touch late, which has happened a few times since starting CPAP. Which I guess is a good thing, since a full night's sleep was rare before. So I opted for the ole RX slam dunk shave. Which achieved a nice RX level BBS with the slickness from CBL. The soap seems like it's drying out some, but it's just in a ziplock so that probably makes sense. Sucked up a bunch of water which then turned into a nice creamy lather. I thinned it out for the RX and enjoyed a nice, alum sting-free shave.

Had to think of Chad yesterday. Was at my daughter's final basketball game of the season. Now, she's not that athletic and doesn't play other than during the season. So she's on the last of three teams for her grade, but kudos for her just wanting to do it for fun. They had only won one game so far in the season, but she was having the game of her life out of nowhere. No points, but some steals and rebounds. I was thrilled just watching her actually being engaged and doing well.

THEN, there was a cherry on top. The coach from the other team was one of those that just ran his mouth con-stant-ly through the whole game telling his girls what to do as though they are actually paying attention. His team had whooped us at their school a few weeks ago, but they were behind like 10-0 at the half
and his comments had turned somewhat negative to the game play of his girls. Now, this is only 6th grade. There is no championship, no play-offs. It truly is just for fun. But he was starting to lose his cool. I guess he said something to the ref on his side about not calling a foul against us saying his girls were getting mugged out there. Ref T'ed him up. To which he kept running his mouth to the ref, got a 2nd T. The ref he was mouthing off to (I had never seen before) asked the other ref who reffed for us all the time to make him take a seat. Oh man, every one was quiet, but I was busting up inside. And of course, thought I can't wait for more Chad sports stories.
Nice shave with the RX Dave!

Loved the story about the BB game, too. It's a shame when adults can't focus on the reason behind the game, which is for the kids to have fun, learn teamwork, learn respect, and learn the that order. But glad to hear he got a little comeuppance from the ref's!
Nice stuff today Dave.

As to the encounter it all sounds like it was handled appropiately, aside from the fact that after the official issued the first technical he should have switched spots on the court with his partner. That way his partner could have given the second technical. It looks better if the technicals aren't coming from the same official.

A second technical the coach should have been required to leave the gym. I did an AAU game about a month and a half back, partner issues a technical to the coach, we switch spots and while taking the free throws I am standing near that coach and he continues to berate us, so I gave him his second. He wouldn't leave the gym. So my partner and I went and took our seats. We were in a delay until security removed the coach. Took about 15 min. Last thing you want to do at these games is let the coaches, fans, or players think they can control the game. That is our job!

As to more sports stories, I am still nursing my injury but I did run yesterday at the gym and while I was a little sore I felt better. I will be working a 7 0n 7 QBS league starting end of next month, and there are two big basketball tournaments one in May and one In June. Then end of July I switch gears 100% to football. So the stories will start coming in again.