The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Excellent shave and comparison, Dave. I had one of those shaves this morning as well.
Great shave Dave. After using the DX, I see why so many people love the AC blade. One day I will explore them further.
Cvargo said:
Oreo shake and onion rings! Oh my, my mouth is watering!

Heh, and to be clear, that's the only time we indulge in those things ;)
Dagwoodz said:
Now that is a satisfying shave if there ever was one. Great write up and analogy, Dave!
Sskim3 said:
Love when stuff like this happens! Very cool stuff man!
Quijote said:
Great shave Dave. After using the DX, I see why so many people love the AC blade. One day I will explore them further.
Smattayu said:
Excellent shave and comparison, Dave. I had one of those shaves this morning as well.

Thanks guys. It actually caught me a bit off guard how enjoyable it was. Nice to be old enough to appreciate the small things now.
NurseDave said:
Thanks TJ. Don't waste a shave right?

no such thing unless you are the king! then unless you use the Stark Damascus or the Ice Dragon your shave may be considered wasted.

NurseDave said:
big ole Oreo milkshake and usually some fries or onion rings.

that sounds terrible. I only eat oreos if they are crushed up and put as a crust under an ice cream cake my Mammaw makes. otherwise im a chocolate chip cookie man or white chocolate macadamia nut cookie guy. Very nice RX setup. Looks just like mine except Kate is black.
DocHoliday0831 said:
Very nice RX setup. Looks just like mine except Kate is black.

Funny you mention that. Just today I was thinking about how cool DE razors that get plated in black with a red accent or some such colour combo look. Since the RX is stay in rotate for life, I was thinking it would be neat to get one personalized. But not only would that require some cash outlay just to have it look different, but acquiring a 2nd RX in the first place.
NurseDave said:
Funny you mention that. Just today I was thinking about how cool DE razors that get plated in black with a red accent or some such colour combo look. Since the RX is stay in rotate for life, I was thinking it would be neat to get one personalized. But not only would that require some cash outlay just to have it look different, but acquiring a 2nd RX in the first place.

and now they released a matte black brushed looking one in addition to the original 2.
2018 shave #83 (DE:11 SE:28 Str:44 Cart:2)

Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Barrister and Mann Cheshire
Plisson synthetic in 24mm Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm
Barrister and Mann Cheshire AS

Well I couldn’t replicate my last awesome SS shave. Got my usual cheek BBS. On the third pass on my neck I tried the double chin method thinking that’s what I did when I got my BBS. Well, if it was, it didn’t work this time. I really am at a loss as to how to improve my outcomes. I really need a pass down and diagonal going from the angle of my jaw to my Adam’s apple. The straight just won’t do that.

Maybe you need to fly to Arizona and get a shave from Dave lol
Nice shave. My only advice would be to keep trying. You may find a way of holding the razor or turning your head that allows you to do what you need.
NurseDave said:
I really am at a loss as to how to improve my outcomes. I really need a pass down and diagonal going from the angle of my jaw to my Adam’s apple. The straight just won’t do that.

take the blade out and practice holding the razor left handed for right side and right handed for left side and you can probably achieve that pass. At least in my mind it sounds reasonable that way anyway.
There are always different ways of approaching certain angles and trouble spots. It can take some time and many attempts to find one that works for you, but it's worth it when you get BBS in a spot that has caused you trouble for ages.
Good news on the Engstrom, I believe it is finally up to par. I’ve got the little strop ready to go too so both will be headed your way in the coming days.
As far as hitting those complex angles goes, I suspect the traditional straight will offer you a better learning experience. The Weck forgives NOTHING and expects perfection, the traditional straight tends to forgive a little. I’m thinking a few of use may start creating videos showing our own techniques, perhaps those will help.
Cvargo said:
Maybe you need to fly to Arizona and get a shave from Dave lol

What I need is for him to open a shop here that opens at 6am so I can buy the daily shave plan!
Quijote said:
Nice shave. My only advice would be to keep trying. You may find a way of holding the razor or turning your head that allows you to do what you need.
DocHoliday0831 said:
take the blade out and practice holding the razor left handed for right side and right handed for left side and you can probably achieve that pass. At least in my mind it sounds reasonable that way anyway.

True. TJ I remember you jumped ahead in the learning curve by doing quite a bit of that. I did some early on just to learn how to hold the darn thing. Not a bad idea for trying different angles.
Smattayu said:
There are always different ways of approaching certain angles and trouble spots. It can take some time and many attempts to find one that works for you, but it's worth it when you get BBS in a spot that has caused you trouble for ages.

Also true. I know it's possible because somehow it happened once. I just can't seem to recreate the magic and I'm not sure what to change at this point. I'm getting in three good passes, just not in the exact direction I need.
CBLindsay said:
Good news on the Engstrom, I believe it is finally up to par. I’ve got the little strop ready to go too so both will be headed your way in the coming days.
As far as hitting those complex angles goes, I suspect the traditional straight will offer you a better learning experience. The Weck forgives NOTHING and expects perfection, the traditional straight tends to forgive a little. I’m thinking a few of use may start creating videos showing our own techniques, perhaps those will help.

Hey, ya gotta leave me with some excuse if I don't succeed! ;)

I've also thought it would be helpful to post a video showing the angle I make a pass at with the RX and how the straight can't replicate that to see if there are suggestions. But aside from not owning anything to mount my phone with, my wife would think I've gone over the edge.
2018 shave #84 (DE:11 SE:29 Str:44 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Sudsy Soapery Citrus and Bay
Plisson synthetic in 24mm Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm

Sunday's late morning, coffee in the shower type shave. Just something simple to again rehab from scraping off too much skin trying to get the straight BBS shave. I needed it. Things were still a bit sore after this with some stinging going on.
2018 shave #85 (DE:11 SE:30 Str:44 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (3)
L&L Original
Plisson synthetic in 24mm Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm

Things seem to back to normal skinwise. Just did my three passes and ended next to a BBS, but didn't do the little clean up needed to be nice to my skin. I'm repeating the Missoni EdC because it's really the only peppery type scent I have to go with the spicier soaps. Anyone have another good suggestion to give me some variety?