2022 shave #187 (DE:41 SE:47 Str:98 Cart:0) - 1443 days of consecutive shaving
Shavette w/ Feather (2)
Captain's Choice Lime
AP flat top
Quinn Cucumber and Mint
Nivea 2:1
Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes
**The picture is a lie** There have been two scents I couldn't find after I put everything back in the den. I was looking all over for my West Indian Limes to use today. No luck, but I did find the other one I thought was missing. I take my picture, and do my shave. And as I'm brushing my teeth (the last step before final scent application) I look over and see it. I'd been remembering it being in a different bottle this whole time.
Yesterday was pretty good. We went and bought the obligatory "safe" fireworks. Just enough so we could have some of our own and the kids could light some. Then the kids were bored and the wife and I went on the porch to watch the illegal ones interspersed with some of the city shows. @heysi we couldn't see the Giant's stadium, but we could see the show from the Oakland Coliseum across the bay. Then the highlight was 3 cities along the highway doing their shows simultaneously. They seem to add more precision to those things every time. My wife also started to look for flights to Florida for spring break next year. The prices on the airline we normally use were insane. Like $1200 each round trip. She found something reasonable on another for the flight out there. So we're at least going to get there. Just have to keep watching prices for the way back.

Shavette w/ Feather (2)
Captain's Choice Lime
AP flat top
Quinn Cucumber and Mint
Nivea 2:1
Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes
**The picture is a lie** There have been two scents I couldn't find after I put everything back in the den. I was looking all over for my West Indian Limes to use today. No luck, but I did find the other one I thought was missing. I take my picture, and do my shave. And as I'm brushing my teeth (the last step before final scent application) I look over and see it. I'd been remembering it being in a different bottle this whole time.
Yesterday was pretty good. We went and bought the obligatory "safe" fireworks. Just enough so we could have some of our own and the kids could light some. Then the kids were bored and the wife and I went on the porch to watch the illegal ones interspersed with some of the city shows. @heysi we couldn't see the Giant's stadium, but we could see the show from the Oakland Coliseum across the bay. Then the highlight was 3 cities along the highway doing their shows simultaneously. They seem to add more precision to those things every time. My wife also started to look for flights to Florida for spring break next year. The prices on the airline we normally use were insane. Like $1200 each round trip. She found something reasonable on another for the flight out there. So we're at least going to get there. Just have to keep watching prices for the way back.