The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Getting caught up Dave. As to the Speed limit. Our highways are now all set at 70. But once you get out of the main city they go up to 80! Crazy if you ask me.
Saturday's shave

2018 shave #161 (DE:35 SE:56 Str:68 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Tallow & Steel Maya and Lisa's Black Velvet
RazoRock synthetic 24mm
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm

Saturday was an afternoon shave. I did try another T&S scent, this one I did like. And it was a great performer. I might pick-up this scent. I also tried another of Lisa's premium soaps, I have her Amber and Tobacco. Like that one, this was a good performer, but not great. I like this scent as well, but it's maybe a 3/5 SOS, which just doesn't cut it for me.

Graduation on Friday was good. They shortened the program somewhat so it wasn't painful. Then an evening with the in-laws over for dinner and watch the Warriors win the championship. Fun evening overall. Saturday morning my dad and I tackled the garage door opener. Having the mounting brackets in place for the old one helped a lot. There were no major hurdles and it was nice to finish a project without a big delay for issues leading to trips to the home store. Crazy technology, this was not an expensive opener, but it connects to the house's wifi so you can open it with an app on your phone and get alerts when it's open. No doubt it'll be handy when dating starts happening in the house.
Sunday's shave

2018 shave #162 (DE:35 SE:57 Str:68 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (6)
TSC Legacy Brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm

First time I set-up a shave the day before. All good stuff my brothers. This is my first time with a knot like this. I'm used to more backbone, so this is a change. Definitely one to use when you want luxury as opposed to exfoliation. 6 and out is where I'm still at with these blades even with the new pre-shave routine.

Sounds like a great shave! That's a wonderful picture with the overhead lighting giving some great accents to the brush and equipment!
Great shaves!

My dad and I have started doing the same thing occasionally when he visits or I do, that’s is working on a minor project around the house. Something we never really used to do when I lived with my parents; my dad worked quite a lot back then. This change is quite a positive experience for me.
Sounds like a great shave! That's a wonderful picture with the overhead lighting giving some great accents to the brush and equipment!
Thanks, I feel a bit challenged with all the great photo set-ups we see here.
Great shaves!

My dad and I have started doing the same thing occasionally when he visits or I do, that’s is working on a minor project around the house. Something we never really used to do when I lived with my parents; my dad worked quite a lot back then. This change is quite a positive experience for me.
Great couple of shaves. I am glad that the opener replacement went smoothly.
Yep, it was a nice little project. Not too back breaking, but in addition to just passing some time together, I know dad likes to feel useful rather than just sitting around relaxing. And of course, it shaved a good amount of time off having another set of hands.
Great looking picture Dave. I typically get 10 shaves, or there about, with the Feather blades. I have gotten significantly more with the KAI. Only caveat I would add is that I have not tried the guarded blades of any maker.
Great looking picture Dave. I typically get 10 shaves, or there about, with the Feather blades. I have gotten significantly more with the KAI. Only caveat I would add is that I have not tried the guarded blades of any maker.
I've tried to push them more, but I really feel them starting to scratch at that point.
Catching up Dave, Great photo and reads
Thank you kind sir
2018 shave #163 (DE:35 SE:58 Str:68 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Grooming Dept Chypre Conifere & Grooming Dept Ambra
Synth burshes
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Chiseled Face Cinawood Boroka AS

Due do a communication issue, there was a guest in my bathroom at shower time, so I had to use the other bathroom with none of my stuff in it this morning. I was driven crazy all day by the scruff on my neck and no scent on my skin. When I got home I washed my face, lathered the Chypre Conifere and applied it to sit on my face while I lathered the other and got my razor ready.

I was hesitant to try Grooming Dept because I didn't want to love and it then just be disappointed because I couldn't buy it. But what a let down these soaps were. Scent wise I thought they were great. a good 4.5/5 from the sample and a 5/5 when lathered and applied. I liked both of the scents as well. The Chypre Conifere produced a good, but not outstanding lather. It applied well, but only had average cushion and almost no residual slickness. The Ambra, which was labeled as vegan, produced a thin lather which didn't get any better when applied. This stuff was just sliding off and slopping all over the place. This resulted in a below average shave for me. More irritation and alum burn all over the place. Given the difficulty finding this stuff I guess I should b
e happy, but the scents are so good, I almost want them anyway.
Sorry to hear the GD soaps didn’t work do you. I also had lather issues with his vegan soap Yuzu.

On the other hand, his beef tallow soaps, Absinthe & Leather and Coattails, are some of the finest lathers (and scent in the case of A&L) I’ve had to date.
I've never tried Grooming Dept but I hear people rave sbout them. Then I read reviews like yours. Think Im going to pass. Sorry it didn't work for you