The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2021 shave #174 (DE:71 SE:48 Str:54 Cart:0) - 1065 days of consecutive shaving
Shavette w/ Wizamet (1)
Oleo Soapworks New City
Paladin Brush of ShameMaggard synth
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Hermetico Source 1

Hey, made it through this shave with no bodily damage!

Welp, we were hopeful we were on the right track with my daughter's meds and things are better, but another seizure at grandpa and grandma's house yesterday. Heartbreaking for everyone when it happens and I could hear how it affected my mom in her voice when she called.

Another short week for me on the heels of a tight loss on bingo to @OpusX. He's a tough competitor! Home early to mostly tune out for school. I keep thinking how ironic it would be to be puffing on a cigar during a class in the healthcare field. But maybe today I'll throw all self-shame out the window. I scored a spot in a scotch tasting for BenRiach this evening. It's hosted by a brand ambassador so no charge! Looking forward to that.
Welp, we were hopeful we were on the right track with my daughter's meds and things are better, but another seizure at grandpa and grandma's house yesterday. Heartbreaking for everyone when it happens and I could hear how it affected my mom in her voice when she called.
That's terrible. Hope they can get it under control soon. :(

2021 shave #175 (DE:71 SE:49 Str:54 Cart:0) - 1066 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Oleo Soapworks New City
Maggard synth
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
2021 shave #176 (DE:71 SE:49 Str:55 Cart:0) - 1067 days of consecutive shaving
Shavette w/ Wizamet (2)
Talbot Shaving Marlogue Wood
Sorrentino Oregon State
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Imaginary Authors Cape Heartache

I have no idea what happened this morning and hoping it's not a sign for the rest of the day. The shave itself went fine. No blood or anything. But after I got to the Thayers part, I realized I had forgotten to rinse off the alum. Then when I got in the car I realized I had forgotten to use the AS that you see pictured below. Luckily, after meeting with a couple of staff early this morning, from 9-4 I have non-stop online meetings so I just need to call in then websurf for scotch and reviews of these new earbuds I want. I should be able to get through that ok.

Then an AARP timed early dinner with my boss and her other two directors. Not looking forward to that. Then packing to head up to Oregon tomorrow for a 4-day weekend.
Hope the rest of your day goes better, Dave.

What earbuds did you get?
Well..... I was just looking, and have been reading about these for months..... And I wanted the Bowers & Wilkins PI7, but thought the PI5 more realistic. In reading reviews I got sidetracked to looking into the Sennheiser’s Momentum True Wireless 2. Ended up seeing they were on sale and could be here later today for use on the plane tomorrow. So I accidentally order those. 😇
Time to catch up in here. Friday:

2021 shave #177 (DE:71 SE:50 Str:55 Cart:0) - 1068 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Decided to give the folks on the plane a good dose of GTB!