The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2021 shave #154 (DE:63 SE:40 Str:50 Cart:0) - 1045 days of consecutive shaving
Shavette w/ Wizamet (2)
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch
Shawshank Redemption brush
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch AS
Creed Viking

Mostly the same set-up as yesterday as I had enough soap left in the bottom of the bowl. Accidently scratched my raw spot yesterday evening so it was a bit tender, but my bull-headedness brain center decided at the last moment to go ahead and use the shavette again. Happy to say for everyone involved it turned out just fine.

I've not had both of my summer classes once. One class should be fine with a professor that knows it's a lot to cover during the summer and is pretty much about us just checking the boxes to get through. The other also is of the opinion we have a lot to cover and well, better get crackin'. So we'll see how it is.
I've not had both of my summer classes once. One class should be fine with a professor that knows it's a lot to cover during the summer and is pretty much about us just checking the boxes to get through. The other also is of the opinion we have a lot to cover and well, better get crackin'. So we'll see how it is.
It's mandatory to give up a summer for grad school. At least, that's how they are scheduled. One assignment at a time is how I approached it.
2021 shave #155 (DE:64 SE:40 Str:50 Cart:0) - 1046 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (3)
Razor Master the one with the green label
Maggard synth
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Louis Vuitton Ombre Nomade

Woke up waaaaaay too early this morning and wouldn't get back to sleep so I came into the office to take a test I knew I'd be too tired to take when I got home. Can I go back to bed now?? I'm done with school work for the week so I guess the rest of the day is online shopping?
2021 shave #156 (DE:64 SE:41 Str:50 Cart:0) - 1047 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector w/ Shick Proline (1)
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate AS
Tom Ford Neroli Portofino Acqua

I know, I know! Y'all been aggravated that the balance between my DE, SE, and straight shaves is lacking in SE shaves. I'll throw in a few here. Anyone heard of this Vector? It's not bad.

It's that time of year where the SF fog is more intense. I leave the house in deck breakfast weather and drive 2 miles down the highway into 10 degrees cooler and drizzle on the windshield. Interesting to say the least.
2021 shave #168 (DE:71 SE:46 Str:50 Cart:0) - 1059 days of consecutive shaving
Merkur w/ 38C w/ Israeli Personna (4)
Oleo Humanitas
Sorrentino Blonde Vixen
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Endymion EdP

Ooops, I looked up the wrong razor and thought this one only had 2 shaves on it. Nope, 3. And that would explain why today's shave was a bit tuggy. It's okay. While I am a delicate flower, my facial/neckle area seems to recover pretty quickly.

Kids are gone this week and next. Been out to eat the last two nights and going to a friend's house Saturday for the first time since the apocalypse. A week off was good and makes it tough to get back into work and school. I've been watching a YouTuber that lives on a sailboat with his wife and now newborn. I think I just need to buy a cabin in the woods and learn to live off the land. I told my wife I think the mid-life crisis is happening and luckily I already own a fun car or I think I'd likely come home with a convertible this week.
My wife makes fun of me because I always talk about how I'd love to go live out in Wyoming or Montana away from it all despite the fact that I've lived in the greater Chicagoland area for essentially my entire life. I wouldn't have the slightest clue on how to take care of a ranch or farm, that's for sure, and not sure my blood pressure could take a lifestyle so dependent on weather, but man are there days where I'm ready to give up the back office world!
My brother moved out to Montana 14 years ago. Nice little town of Colstrip.
Like Mayberry with cowboy hats. If you lack patience and want convenience. You are out of luck.
But if you embrace the community and adapt to their way of doing things. You can leave the keys in your truck while you go into the store. Along with your rifle in the back window. But everyone knows your business.
My brothers insides can clear a room faster than a Seal Team. He dropped a bomb in the cereal isle at the grocery store. And my sister in law was told about it before he got home. There are always trade offs.
My brothers insides can clear a room faster than a Seal Team. He dropped a bomb in the cereal isle at the grocery store. And my sister in law was told about it before he got home. There are always trade offs.
Keep him away from open flames. As a teenager, my friends did not believe humans excrete methane till I demonstrated otherwise. The flame shot past my knees. I became a legend overnight.
Keep him away from open flames. As a teenager, my friends did not believe humans excrete methane till I demonstrated otherwise. The flame shot past my knees. I became a legend overnight.