2021 shave #154 (DE:63 SE:40 Str:50 Cart:0) - 1045 days of consecutive shaving
Shavette w/ Wizamet (2)
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch
Shawshank Redemption brush
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch AS
Creed Viking
Mostly the same set-up as yesterday as I had enough soap left in the bottom of the bowl. Accidently scratched my raw spot yesterday evening so it was a bit tender, but my bull-headedness brain center decided at the last moment to go ahead and use the shavette again. Happy to say for everyone involved it turned out just fine.
I've not had both of my summer classes once. One class should be fine with a professor that knows it's a lot to cover during the summer and is pretty much about us just checking the boxes to get through. The other also is of the opinion we have a lot to cover and well, better get crackin'. So we'll see how it is.
Shavette w/ Wizamet (2)
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch
Shawshank Redemption brush
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch AS
Creed Viking
Mostly the same set-up as yesterday as I had enough soap left in the bottom of the bowl. Accidently scratched my raw spot yesterday evening so it was a bit tender, but my bull-headedness brain center decided at the last moment to go ahead and use the shavette again. Happy to say for everyone involved it turned out just fine.
I've not had both of my summer classes once. One class should be fine with a professor that knows it's a lot to cover during the summer and is pretty much about us just checking the boxes to get through. The other also is of the opinion we have a lot to cover and well, better get crackin'. So we'll see how it is.