2021 shave #153 (DE:63 SE:40 Str:49 Cart:0) - 1044 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (2)
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch
@Graydog Quilt
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch AS
Creed Viking
Four days off was nice, but I could use more! I work the rest of the week and then have next week off. Parents are rolling into town for the first time since we moved into the house before all the mask wearing started. Ended up able to get 3 deck breakfasts, one pipe, and one cigar over those 4 days. Had the daughter's boyfriend over for dinner last night so the family could meet him. This is new territory for everyone and I have to say I enjoyed the trials of teaching a teen to drive over dealing with them dating.
Was all ready to go back to the shavette today, but since I need to shave right over that patch of removed epidermis I figure I better let it heal a bit more. The 6S glides right over it like a champ.
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