The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

It really is beautiful. It looks like wood in the pic. Do you know what kind, Dave?
No idea. It's many thin layers of wood with the grain turned 90 degrees on every other layer. And then string wrapped around the top for the accent.
2021 shave #55 (DE:21 SE:17 Str:17 Cart:0) - 946 days of consecutive shaving
Shavette w/ Wizamet (3)
Stirling synth
The Club London
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Tuscan Leather

So when I started shaving, I was thinking this is the 3rd shave with this blade. But unlike a DE razor, only one side of the blade was used for the entire shave each time, so in theory, the blade won't last as long. That sure enough. This shave got a little bit tuggy partway through. No huge issue and no alum sting, but when we're looking at getting the best shave every day, the blades will only be used for two shaves per side for me.

That sure enough. This shave got a little bit tuggy partway through. No huge issue and no alum sting, but when we're looking at getting the best shave every day, the blades will only be used for two shaves per side for me.

Guess those “neckle” hairs are pretty tough on a blade 😉
2021 shave #56 (DE:21 SE:18 Str:17 Cart:0) - 947 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (1)
SV 2.0
SV Opuntia
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
SV Opuntia AS

Ooops, forgot to post this. Tried to stick a Schick blade in this morning and it just wasn’t working. Found out it’s just enough wider that it doesn’t float and is bent a bit. Everything was “right as rain” once I got that all sorted out.
2021 shave #57 (DE:21 SE:19 Str:17 Cart:0) - 948 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Striling synth
The Club The Novelist
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Prorasoo Mint and Rosemary talc
Penhaligon's Endymion EdP

Ok, so choosing my kit before the shower so I can take a photo isn't toooo bad so far. Decided to use the best razor in the den again as you can see.

Working from home today as we have a video visit with my daughter's neurologist. That means hot breakfast! I figure a plate full of food isn't bad when most of it is vegetables. The weight loss thing is at a standstill. I guess that's better than moving backward. But still, it would be nice to see a continued downward slope with the change in diet and increased activity. I'm not working out as much as I should, but still getting out for walks during the day. And those walks will be a little longer at least once a week now that I have my FIL's Costco card. I can go can check the whiskey selection once or twice a week ;)

Sunday, so you can mark your scorecards:

2021 shave #59 (DE:21 SE:21 Str:17 Cart:0) - 950 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Graydog Quilt
The Sudsy Soapery Citrus & Bay
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Louis Vuitton Ombre Nomade
And the pic, sir???
