The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Nice start to the day man!

Which COD you looking at getting?
Black Ops Cold War

My wife has always gotten the latest one for me for Christmas, but not this year. If our PS4 was on the main TV, I would have gotten it long ago. But now, I have to hang out downstairs by myself to play.
Black Ops Cold War

My wife has always gotten the latest one for me for Christmas, but not this year. If our PS4 was on the main TV, I would have gotten it long ago. But now, I have to hang out downstairs by myself to play.
Nice! I don’t have that one myself but it looks fun for the zombie mode of nothing else. The 80s-ish timeline give it a neat look too.

The Black Ops series never really interested me as much as the Modern War series though. The company that makes the BO titles usually makes them quite a bit more frantic and fast paced than the more tactical MW games (which I prefer).
Nice! I don’t have that one myself but it looks fun for the zombie mode of nothing else. The 80s-ish timeline give it a neat look too.

The Black Ops series never really interested me as much as the Modern War series though. The company that makes the BO titles usually makes them quite a bit more frantic and fast paced than the more tactical MW games (which I prefer).
Actually didn’t think about the differences. And I’ve pretty much forgotten the other games. I do like the more strategic type of games. I’m a snipe from the distance type of guy
Did you name a brush while I was away, or am I just going senile and forgot? Which one is the Blonde Vixen? lol
Le Labo Patchouli 24
Are you working onsite today, Dave? The reason I ask is because, if you are, you should wash the Patchouli off before leaving the house. If you don't, the Patchouli, a well-known aphrodisiac, will prevent you from getting your work done as it draws hordes of nubile young nurses eager to... Well, you get the picture. Be safe out there, Dave!