The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2021 shave #11 (DE:2 SE:7 Str:2 Cart:0) - 901 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Kai Pink (4)
Sorrentino Oregon State
PdP 63
Humphrey’s Citrus
Nivea 2:1
Dunhill Icon

I think @cmh737 is a big fan of this Dunhill and used to refer to grape gum. Yep, I get it, not a huge fan, but now I smell like grape for the day. I got in some old man workouts on Sat and Sun, the question was what was going to happen during the week. I used to go to the YMCA and then a gym before work. So I thought since I lay in bed, sometimes for hours before I need to get up, that early morning would be a good time for it. Also thinking that once I get home from work, I'm not a huge fan of doing more stuff. Well, I actually slept til 30min before I needed to get up. And doing right from sleep to working out didn't happen. We'll see what the evening holds.
Dave, I’m just razzing you. My workout plan has gone to crap because of The Rona. Good job getting back on track.
2021 shave #12 (DE:2 SE:8 Str:2 Cart:0) - 902 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Kai Pink (5)
Graydog Quilt
Talbot Marlogue Wood
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Talbot Marlogue Wood AS

Well, Rich said he wouldn't try to 3017 PdP, and he's like a talking oracle or I figured I'd better move on to something else.

Have to take my daughter for an EEG this morning so working from home. Kicker is she was only allowed to sleep for 4 hours last night so we've been up from 4am and we're both ready for a nap.
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