The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Thanks Dave. Just saw news of people in Bay area caught off guard of the fire popping up and neighborhoods gone and had me panic for you guys. Keep your heads on a swivel (y)
2020 shave #254 (DE:91 SE:68 Str:93 Cart:0) - 757 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (1)
TSC Legacy
Zingari Man Soloist
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Prorasso Mint and Rosemary talc
Maison Margiela Jazz Club

I should have gotten some school work done last night, but just wasn't in the mood for it and the zoom call was fun. Should have enough time at work to get one assignment done so things are mostly on track. Having good shaves, but really can't think much to say about them. I shave the hair off, smell good, hair grows back, repeat.
2020 shave #255 (DE:92 SE:68 Str:93 Cart:0) - 758 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (2)
Paladin Honey Oscar Noir
PdP 63
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Prorasso Mint and Rosemary talc

I used PdP 63 today just because I want to be cool like Rich. Planned on using a Le Labo scent but totally forgot to put it on when I finally got out to the living room. I mentioned in the last zoom call I'm going to be trying something different with the mustache portion of my goatee, but I keep forgetting the mustache wax upstairs and the hair rubbing on my lip is driving me nuts!
Man the fires look pretty bad up there this year. I always try to keep an eye on the one’s down south, thankfully so far so good there.

Stay safe, it’s rough enough to deal with the air quality from the fires alone. I guess this is the new California.
Man the fires look pretty bad up there this year. I always try to keep an eye on the one’s down south, thankfully so far so good there.

Stay safe, it’s rough enough to deal with the air quality from the fires alone. I guess this is the new California.
Ya, things around our local area yesterday were pretty good, but just over the last few hours, I've watched the smoke blow back in from my office. It would be nice if the fires could come during the cooler periods so we could close up the house and run air filters. Yes sadly, this seems to be an annual event now.
2020 shave #256 (DE:92 SE:68 Str:94 Cart:0) - 759 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Sorrentino Blonde Vixen
LNHC Doc Holiday
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Prorasso Mint and Rosemary talc
Le Labo The Noir

Here I am with my usual tardy weekend posting. Got a fairly good shave. Wished the neck was a touch better when wet, but it dried down ok. Guess I’ve been away from the SS too long. And this Le Labo was a disappointment. Did smell great and super strong at first. To the point I almost got a headache from it. But then just a few hours later it was very faint. I’ve never had a scent disappear like that when it starts out strong. That’s okay. Saves the desire to spend more.

Today I also learned a downfall of mustache wax. Even the unscented stuff has a scent and it’s right under your sniffer so you smell it all day. That might be enough to end the experiment.