The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

And I shaved tonight

2020 shave #249 (DE:89 SE:66 Str:92 Cart:0) - 752 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (4)
Stirling synth
Wilkinson Sword shave stick
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's English Fern talc
Penhaligon’s Endymion EdP

Cold shower and shave. There’s a moon on the Endymion label so that means it’s for nighttime use right?
2020 shave #250 (DE:90 SE:66 Str:92 Cart:0) - 753 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (5)
Stirling synth
CBL Three Pines
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Imaginary Authors Cape Heartache

Oh hey, and I shave this morning in time for the zoom call. Was great seeing some folks that we rarely do!
2020 shave #251 (DE:90 SE:67 Str:92 Cart:0) - 754 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Kai Pink (4)
Oz purple
Lakewood Soap Company Prairie Song
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Cooler night and slept right past when I normally wake up, so no time to think and just grabbed the first soap and brush I saw.

My thoughts today are with my daughter. She has her first day of high school and will go down in our history as one of those that missed out on their graduation as well as a normal transition to the next phase of their lives. I know it's not as impacting as if she missed high school graduation or an endless list of other things this virus has caused, but today it's the one I think about. And hoping she finds some excitement in it even though it's from her room and not roaming new halls, looking to find old friends, not being able to open a new locker and missing walking away from campus that first day knowing it wasn't has hard as she thought it would be.
@NurseDave our oldest granddaughter was bummed. She was forced into remote learning in here last semester and missed her senior prom. We thought graduation was out the window too. But it was finally held at the Rangers new baseball stadium. But the whole thing hit her pretty hard.
I'm sorry your daughter won't be able to experience those things this semester, but hopefully she'll be able to next semester. As much as I hated school when I was there, those were some of the best memories.
2020 shave #252 (DE:90 SE:68 Str:92 Cart:0) - 755 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Kai Pink (5)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Maol Tangerine
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Maol Tangerine AS

I had a wonderful duh moment this morning. Today I have to cover for my boss for a meeting that goes right up to my class. So I figured it could either get done early and I can rush home to do school at home, or I'll be stuck in my office. Well, duh! Thanks to the changes brought on by COVID-19, I can do the meeting from home as well! Boom! Senior physician leadership in shorts with maybe a pipe. Rollin' the way I outta be.

School for the 2 kids that started yesterday seemed to go well. They seem pleased they don't have to have their cameras on the whole time. I don't understand the teachers being okay with that. I mean, at school you can't choose not to be seen. And I'd like to know the teachers care if some kid gets up and leaves while they are covering something important. But whadda I know.
I take that back. I remember being seen once while sleeping face down in an open book sitting on my desk. Teacher asked how I expected to learn that way. Told her by osmosis. After I explained what that was I went back to sleep........... I'm kidding but just by a little.......rough school district....
They seem pleased they don't have to have their cameras on the whole time. I don't understand the teachers being okay with that. I mean, at school you can't choose not to be seen.
The teachers probably want to be able to claim ignorance of the kid does fall asleep and be spared the eye rolls of the more challenging ones :ROFLMAO:

Glad you got to work from home today! Though free home lunch doesn’t quite have the same appeal as free lunch meeting...
2020 shave #253 (DE:90 SE:68 Str:93 Cart:0) - 756 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (6)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Oleo Rush Street
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Prorasso Mint and Rosemary talc
Galimard Sensuel Safron

Triple booked for Zoom calls tonight. I need a personal assistant.