The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #192 (DE:70 SE:47 Str:73 Cart:0) - 700 days of consecutive shaving
Feather AS-D2 w/ Feather (2)
RazoRock synth
Chiseled Face Cinnawood Boroka
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Chiseled Face Cinnawood Boroka AS

Shave #2 with the AS-D2. Again no blade feel at all. It's very weird. If not for the sound of hairs being cut I'm sure I'd be looking to see if there was a blade in there. Again, no problem with getting a BBS with it. Even chased a closer one this morning. Issue was the neck again. It got lit up with alum. Odd, because the shave itself felt smooth. Guess this will likely be headed to chickenlover Dave.

WMRK is taking us back to the days of the astronaut on MTV. Something more to it when we had to watch video after video hoping our favorite might pop up. Now they just loop it on YouTube. Lame. What's even lamer is I keep forgetting to bring in more coffee beans so I'm relegated to Keurig coffee. Before that I did the @Majorrich dog from every town method and combined the bean dregs from three different lots into one last cuppa. Not a success.
My paypal is ready
What's even lamer is I keep forgetting to bring in more coffee beans so I'm relegated to Keurig coffee.
If you get the right pods it is not so bad PEETs Major Dickinson is the only one I have found, other than using the DIY pod that makes a decent cup
If you get the right pods it is not so bad PEETs Major Dickinson is the only one I have found, other than using the DIY pod that makes a decent cup
Not my favorite from Peet's......sitting since we started roasting our own. I forget the Peet's we had before the Majors. It was good.
2020 shave #193 (DE:70 SE:48 Str:73 Cart:0) - 701 days of consecutive shaving
Aslumn "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
TSC Legacy
CBL Russian Tea
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Yardley Equity talc
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

Had to call up The Doctor after those mild shaves. Now the hairs are scared back to under the surface as they should be. On the weekend I think I need to try a midday talc to see if it's as refreshing and I'm thinking it would be.

I've been able to lay back at bit at work, but now I need to kick it back up. 8hrs of meetings today and I start my 2nd run at being on-call Saturday at 7am. Last time it triggered a pandemic, so we'll hope this time it's a bit more routine.
2020 shave #194 (DE:70 SE:48 Str:74 Cart:0) - 702 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (6)
Sorrentino Blonde Vixen
Sapone Di Paolo Arancione
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's English Fern talc
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet

Here I am. There is my shave. Didn't care for WMRK this morning. I missed the SS. I smell lovely. Thank you for your time .
Saturday's shave

2020 shave #195 (DE:70 SE:49 Str:74 Cart:0) - 703 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Kai Pink (5)
Graydog Education History
CBL (censored)
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Yardley Equity talc
Tom Ford Oud Minerale

Video posted

2020 shave #196 (DE:70 SE:49 Str:75 Cart:0) - 704 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (1)
Paladin Honey Noir Oscar 28mm
Stirling Texas on Fire
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Stirling Texas on Fire AS
Storybook Soapworks Midnight Embers

This is what I call my Arizona shave. I started with a forest full of trees with Stirling Pine Forest bar soap. Then burnt the whole thing down!
Careful @NurseDave talking about "burning the whole thing down" could get you on a list. :eek: Not a good thing.
We know your "OK" and I'm sure for a nominal amount of money/shave soaps. Many of us here would be glad to vouch for you. ;)