The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #104 (DE:41 SE:23 Str:40 Cart:0) - 617 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Plissoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes
Nivea 2:1
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes

Took the time this morning to switch out the plate to the 2 dot plate. This is the sweet spot for me. It very interesting using this razor as the blade can still be heard clicking around in there but when shaving I don’t hear to feel any chatter and less audible feedback than the 3 plate. I might try the 1 plate out of curiosity at some point. Super close shave with no alum sting or irritation.

Have today off with the exception of my standard phone calls. So I’m doing the standard car charging and grocery shopping. Got a text by my boss offering me tomorrow off too which will result in a 4 day weekend. Oddly though this means a little less than in the old world but it will be nice knowing I can settle in for a few days.
2020 shave #105 (DE:41 SE:24 Str:40 Cart:0) - 618 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Razor Master Juha
Nivea 2:1
Louis Vuitton Ombré Nomade

Happy Cadre Friday! Surprised myself by finding a couple of J soaps for today. Juha was a first use and I like it. Video posted.

Got a hot breakfast, a conference call. Worked on a puzzle for a while and now enjoying the sun and perfect temp with what hopefully will be the first of several pipes today. The family is anxiously awaiting @Cvargo’s chip video.
Jeesh, I'm two behind over here. Saturday:

2020 shave #106 (DE:41 SE:24 Str:41 Cart:0) - 619 days of consecutive shaving
Another shavette w/ Israeli Personna
Stirling Synth
Stirling Kaboom
Nivea 2:1
Dior Sauvage

Video posted
Sunday's shave:

2020 shave #107 (DE:41 SE:24 Str:42 Cart:0) - 620 days of consecutive shaving
Another shavette w/ Israeli Personna
Paladin Honey Noir
The Club London
Storybook Soapworks Visions and Revisions

Video posted
Finally today!

2020 shave #108 (DE:41 SE:25 Str:42 Cart:0) - 621 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
T+S Maya
T+S Maya AS

No video posted because reasons. And the reasons are I was a little behind the schedule I had for myself in my head. I would have thought "M" would be pretty easy, but I only had 2 soaps that fit it and both by Tallow + Steel. It's been a while since I've had a super close shave, so I took the opportunity to chase the dolphin with an excellent razor. What a difference. I could even hear the blade in the head, but had to look after the first pass to assure myself it was in there because I couldn't feel it at all.

Sure was nice not having to get up for work for a while, but were we are again. I mentioned in my last video how coming to work now feels like a game of musical chairs. Who's going to be "it" when the surge hits. We made it through this weekend without things going to all heck. Other than a suspect fleeing from the cops to be shot in one of our clinic parking lots. But luckily no people around as it was on a weekend. In different news the weight loss journey has come to a screeching halt. I can only think of two reasons. One being the move to the new house is over and working in the command center means a lot less body movement vs the little bit I was getting before. The other would be adding in a few full bottles of wine a week and splurging on a nightly snack of pistachios since this whole COVID thing started. I used to mostly do celery at night. Took a few pounds back. As long as I'm bouncing around the same place I guess that's okay until I decide to get back on the wagon fully again.
I blame the wine. Once my wife saw a video somewhere on how much sugar equiavalent was in a glass, she only has about 1/2-glass when we open a bottle (which is every 4-6 weeks or so). I have the duty to polish off the bottle by end of the next day so it doesn't turn. Life is hard.
I’m there on the weight too. Slowly been gaining back some pounds my work has been keeping off. Stinks.
Yup my weight loss goals came to a screeching halt ever since the gyms closed. Nice post Dave!
I blame the wine. Once my wife saw a video somewhere on how much sugar equiavalent was in a glass, she only has about 1/2-glass when we open a bottle (which is every 4-6 weeks or so). I have the duty to polish off the bottle by end of the next day so it doesn't turn. Life is hard.
I’m there on the weight too. Slowly been gaining back some pounds my work has been keeping off. Stinks.
The sweat pants posse!
2020 shave #109 (DE:42 SE:25 Str:42 Cart:0) - 622 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (1)
Stirling synth
CBL Norse Spice
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Sartorial

A little late again this morning. Lost time on my phone accidentally making a purchase from WCS. I had planned on only buying one "new" thing and figured I'd get free shipping, but had to spend $45 for that. So ended up spending over $60. Saved me money on shipping! Super easy shave with a soap I think I've only used once. I'm glad I joined @dangerousdon in the alphabet game because I'm pulling out soaps that I normally only glance over.