The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #283 (DE:122 SE:101 Str:58 Cart:0) - 433 days of consecutive shaving
The Holy Black SR-71 w/ Feather (1)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
CBL Cigar Shop Indian
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Le Labo Tabac 28

Video posted with a shout out to @clyde72
2019 shave #284 (DE:123 SE:101 Str:58 Cart:0) - 434 days of consecutive shaving
The Holy Black SR-71 w/ Feather (2)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Craftsman Soap Co. Campfire
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Gentlemen. My first attempt to find a nice fire/smoke scent that's not overpowering. This was a hard puck that simply came in a cardboard box. I knew that when ordering, but strike #1. I rounded up an empty pomade tin and bloomed the puck during my shower. Decided on a badger brush as well to ensure a good enough load as I anticipated the puck sliding around in the extra space in the tin. Loading went ok. I didn't get as much protolather as I assume I would if it wasn't sliding around, but got the brush loaded enough to get enough lather for the three passes. The scent was ok as well. If you hadn't every used the smoke scents from Razor Master or West Coast Shaving, this one might have been good. But those guys really nailed it and there was something just a bit off about the Craftsman version. The scent strength was lacking as well. Probably on bar with the bath soap I've been using, but I want my shave soap to be stronger and part of the experience as opposed to hanging out in the background. I didn't think a ton about the performance because I was thinking about the scent as well as concentrating on the SR-71. So it couldn't have been terrible or it would have stood out. The post shave residual didn't stand out either, so my assumption is performance is serviceable, but not a reason to buy.

Had decent luck with ye ole SR-71. Another BBS, no alum sting this time and a little less awkward feeling.

We leave tomorrow evening for the Disney weekend. It's coming up with lightening speed and I've done no prep. Won't take much, but several loads of laundry, filling the SUV with gas, snacks for the kids, etc. Planning to leave within minutes of getting off work tomorrow so all must be done tonight.
2019 shave #285 (DE:124 SE:101 Str:58 Cart:0) - 435 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho razor w/ Israeli Personna (3)
TSC Legacy
THB Oatmeal Cookie
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Philtre Ceylan

A delicious shave today. The smell of baked goods and one of those shaves that just clicked on all cylinders. No irritation or sting and a beautiful BBS.
2019 shave #286 (DE:125 SE:101 Str:58 Cart:0) - 436days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (1)
(No brush)
K Shave Worx Beechwood Forest
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm

Well this was an interesting morning. Two of the kids took showers before me and neither happened to mention there was no soap in there. Two bottles of conditioner but no soap. The shampoo was some sort of tea tree stuff that seems like it had menthol in it or the same effect and left tingles and cooling all over.

Then the shave. I have a travel Dopp that has most things in it. Just add a razor, blade and brush. Well I got ready quickly before work yesterday and forgot the brush. Which is a bummer over all, but especially so because I only have two uses of this soap sample left. Beechwood Forest is my favorite pine scent ever. And, of course, like WCS Campfire I didn’t discover this until it was out of production. In the end just rubbed the soap on my face and shaved with post shave residual slickness. Two passes and I’ll survive the day.
2019 shave #287 (DE:126 SE:101 Str:58 Cart:0) - 437 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (2)
(No brush)
TOBS Peppermint
Witch Hazel

Well, none of the Disney stores sold shaving brushes. What’s up with this place??? No Mickey line of men’s care products or anything. So it was another 2-pass shave for me.
Monday's shave -

2019 shave #288 (DE:127 SE:101 Str:58 Cart:0) - 438 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (3)
(No brush)
TOBS Peppermint
Witch Hazel

Ugh, this shave. Funny how I used to be okay with not shave 2-3 days over weekends back in the cart days. Now just one sub optimal shave has me going nuts with how much stubble is there the next morning. The whole just rubbing soap on the face really wasn't working too well. Then come to find out my wife borrowed my razor so instead of the 3rd shave on it, using it on legs would take it up to like 23? One pass just to get the visible junk off.
2019 shave #289 (DE:127 SE:102 Str:58 Cart:0) - 439 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo
Storybook Soapworks Hook
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Hook AS

Almost did a shave last night because the stubble was driving me nuts. But I toughed it out until today. And pulled out the big guns for a close and exfoliating shave. Whooeee. One pass got rid of most of that junk. Three passes is what the doctor ordered. And the Hook was inspired by Dave. Good stuff all around. Now catching up on work.
2019 shave #290 (DE:127 SE:101 Str:58 Cart:0) - 440 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (1)
TSC Legacy
Southern Witchcraft Autumn Ash
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Video posted. I forgot to add a scent and now I keep getting whiffs of root beer. And congrats to Dave on video #100!!