The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

Nice shaving again today.

Smart Helix Apollo Light is still my go to in the rotation. It's just an easy smooth shave, and what I really notice above all, is I get much less irritation from it than other razors. No idea what that is, but I notice when ever I use one of my other razors, much more redness than with this guy and that's with either the mild or aggressive head.

Tallow and Steel is seeing heavy rotation as well, but today I went with Extro Bay Rum, followed up with Morsel Aqua Balsamica, and finally Etat Libre d'Orange Eloge du Traitre as the perfect herbal barbershop fragrance to cap it off.

We had a nice but quiet Christmas, f"!?#%& COVID is exploding here like never before, so another year with no family. My daughter did come by to drop of the aforementioned perfume as a Christmas gift. But we just talked in the hallway of our building wearing masks. Next year, it's going to be better, I feel it!

I've really been hitting the keyboard, studying coding. This is my 3rd pass though trying to learn this. Each time before life got in the way, and I was finding my self in deep water with the subject matter.

I think something just need time to digest in your brain, because, this time, it's been so much easier, I'm grasping things, and can tell I am because I'm adding to the assignments.

That's a great feeling!

I've got a few good app ideas, including a shave related one, hoping this is the year to make the transition to producing some meaningful projects.
Good update Cole! Glad you made the most of the holiday, despite the COVID situation.

Are you self teaching the coding? Or are you getting help?
Good update Cole! Glad you made the most of the holiday, despite the COVID situation.

Are you self teaching the coding? Or are you getting help?
Self teaching, via online courses. There's an amazing amount of information out there, the hard part is finding what works for you, and not wandering too far afield due to all the possible detours and deadend roads you can find yourself on online.

I've found a combo that seems to work, and I'm going to stick with it till I've exhausted it, or gone over my depth.
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HMan in the zone coding……


Sorry Christmas was less than ideal - but glad you were able to see your daughter - no matter even if it was in the hallway.

I’m impressed with your coding goal!

Nice shave. Tallow and Steel's latest LE, that seems to have been a pretty big run, thankfully, as it was still in stock last time I checked.
Very nice old school Fougere, it was Ryan's first collaboration with a contract perfumer with classical training, and it's a success IMO. A very French influenced Fougere with vanilla and spice. The AS isn't quite as good, the soap has outstanding blending, but the the AS is spices from the kitchen in water. I don't hate it, but compared to the soap, it's not on the same level.

Followed up with Beau du Jour. Maybe not a perfect match, BdJ is lavender and benzoin, very nice, but a very different take. Special for Gentlemen would probably have been the better match, but, matching means nothing to me.

Got up extra early and have wrestled with Xcode all day, started off great but then hit a glitch that I couldn't solve, and thought it was a bug in Xcode (it's notoriously buggy!)
Turns out, that it was something the lesson hadn't covered yet. Took a couple of extra hours, but sorted!
A great shave today, I haven't use the RFB in a while, and today's shave reminded me that I should! Very close, and elite level smoothness, I don't actually think it's possible to be smoother than the RFB, as smooth yes, smoother, IMO this sets the standard, and that standard was set way back in the day.
I really got lucky with mine, it was NOS. Condition is everything with vintage razors, if it's bent, even imperceptibly, shave quality, especially smoothness, takes the hit.

I've whittled my regular rotation down to 'just' four razors. So that should get this stellar shaver on deck far more often.

Followed up with Myrsol Aqua Balsamica, just wildly herbal enough to hold it's own against Tallow and Steel's heavy hitting Morning Coffee in the Canadian Wilderness.
Scent of the day, Le Galion Cuir, letting that heavy leather and ambergris outflank them all.


Otherwise, lots of work coding again this week. I can just be grateful that I can allocate the time to do this now. As mentioned before, I'm starting back on a course I began about a year ago. This week hitting the lesson that sort of quenched my enthusiasm. A lot of that was because course's finial result had a bug in it, which really put me off, and the way it was put together in general felt very 'hacky' and convoluted.
Now as I am talking it, I have a large enough base of knowledge to totally re-design the part that was off. I've mostly finished making a proof of concept model, and I think done in the sprit the programing language was designed for. It all felt so much easier, and tbh gave me a pretty good feeling. I could use some good feeling now, as I recon we all can.

Business-wise, the fate of things is in the air, but no matter, I know I'm moving forward, after a number of years feeling totally in purgatory. fingers crossed for a positive year!
Nice shave today, using Barrister and Man Spice. It's been a hard soap for me to come around to, but today I think I finally got it right. All the talk about not loading it, it getting stringy etc, messed up my technique. It's just like any other good soap, I just haven't been loading enough. Slickness is top tier for certain, and IMO the scent is really nice, I mean, Old Spice, what more do you need to say, right?

Followed up with an aftershave I rarely use Myrsol Don Miguel, which is a jasmine scent, the jasmine I was getting from Spice made me want to try it. This is a totally different beast though. In Spice, we're talking white, and very natural (also very subtle, and easy to miss.) In the Myrsol, it's very rugged and terpenic. Extremely long lasting as well, I still catch whiffs under my other SOTD, Histoires de Parfums 1899, for a full house of flora spice.


The saga with my mom, what a f&€*#b nightmare. I've been wondering what the hold up was in the burial date.
Well it turns out they just buried her last Wednesday, and didn't tell me!
We had planned for her priest and my friend to go there and do a livestream memorial service.

I had a really bad dream about it last night, like my mom was haunting me for not being there.

I honestly don't even know what to say or do, I just expressed my disappointment. I'll arrange something on my own.

If there was ever a "They had one job" situation though.
Fine shave today
Apollo Light Mild razor with a Nacet.
Nacet's may be the smoothest blade all for me.
Extro Bay rum soap, loaded a bit more heavily and a great shave, love this soap and the bright herbal scent.

Life goes on, working hard on coding. After modeling the app navigation system I started to build it, only to run into a bug that was making me absolutely nuts. Took all day, but google to the rescue, it turned out to be something I'd never have thought of and a short coming in the code itself, it was easily fixed once I knew the issue though.

Had to pull out the iPad to get more screen space, first time I've used the Sidecar function, and holly crap is it great! The iPad turns into a second monitor, very handy!
