The Shaving Cadre

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My Daily Constitutional

I did eight and a half hours standing at a lathe with a half hour climbing up a moving conveyor to dig through a wood blockage to get the other conveyor going again.... Not much for me lately...
Officiated some basketball yesterday. According to fitbit 7.5 miles
Getting back in full swing here after the holiday. I started a cut this week, (i.e. a diet) and am hitting the gym 6 times a week again. Generally my workouts last maybe 90 minutes. It's a bodybuilding type workout, a bit more sets and reps every week, so it gets longer over the weeks.

No idea how the diet is going to treat me, but the plan is a 12-16 week cut and loose 5-8kg of rolling putty around my belly.
Where did you walk for 3 hours?

From my house to the VA hospital to pick up some tax exemption paperwork. Then to City Hall to file the paperwork. Then to the Post Office to mail some tax stuff. Then back home. Pedometer read nine miles and change. I accounted for wait times in my total. My fitness data spreadsheet says I average 3.15 miles an hour based on two years of data.
From my house to the VA hospital to pick up some tax exemption paperwork. Then to City Hall to file the paperwork. Then to the Post Office to mail some tax stuff. Then back home. Pedometer read nine miles and change. I accounted for wait times in my total. My fitness data spreadsheet says I average 3.15 miles an hour based on two years of data.
Gotcha. You had a purpose for the walk. I was thinking you just set out for 3 hours of exercise.
It's been in the 60's until today when I had time to mow. 87 today.... but I got one side of the yard mowed. Still need to do the back, front, and the other side which is bigger. I really need a rider.....
