The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

Thanks for all of the well wishes guys, and this time it is not work related but an issue with my 16 y.o. grandson. I will not go so far to say all is well now, but I will say that it is greatly improved.

This morning I opted for the version one of the ATT SE2 that remains locked and loaded in my den for just such an occasion. We all had a late night last night, and I got a late start this AM. It was a quick 2 pass DFS. Nothing special, I didn't chase, and did not obtain BBS. But a very nice shave none the less.
Sounds like a decent shave. I hope that the situation with your grandson continues to improve.
I feel your pain with your grandson! We had numerous issues with my son and his behavior in school. Especially around the mid teen years. Nothing seemed to motivate him to do good or right. He was happy just being average, and capable of more! Never really anything bad, just misbehaving in class and such. Wouldn't do his school work, and then when we forced him too, he wouldn't turn it in. GEEEZ! Bad memories. Hopefully it is just a phase and he will grow out of it soon!
I feel your pain with your grandson! We had numerous issues with my son and his behavior in school. Especially around the mid teen years. Nothing seemed to motivate him to do good or right. He was happy just being average, and capable of more! Never really anything bad, just misbehaving in class and such. Wouldn't do his school work, and then when we forced him too, he wouldn't turn it in. GEEEZ! Bad memories. Hopefully it is just a phase and he will grow out of it soon!

Thanks for the well wishes guys, and sorry Doug, there was no way to post your quote. On another matter, I guess I have been demoted as yesterday I had no badges.
Great to see a friendly face around here Walt! I am glad things are improving at home for you and I KNOW things are already looking up. Keep at it and all will be well!
Great to see you here Don. Sorry I was unable to quote your post, so I am hoping you will stop by again soon. Apparently the vendor updated the software without informing the owners, and all hell broke loose.
Great to see you here Don. Sorry I was unable to quote your post, so I am hoping you will stop by again soon. Apparently the vendor updated the software without informing the owners, and all hell broke loose.

I always enjoyed reading your musings...I plan on stopping by often!
Sorry to hear about trouble with the young'un. I hope things sort out before things go down a path from whence there is no return.
Hopefully to hear about the issues with the grandson, Walt. Hopefully things work out well sooner than later.
Sorry to hear about trouble with the young'un. I hope things sort out before things go down a path from whence there is no return.
Hopefully to hear about the issues with the grandson, Walt. Hopefully things work out well sooner than later.
Great shaves Walt. Sorry to hear about the grandson.

Thanks for the well wishes guys. He just wanted to hurt his mother, and he succeeded. They don't think what the collateral damage is to these types of things. My hope is that he can figure out something that gives him motivation to pursue and to be happy. Clearly High School is not working for him.
I was a complete grooming slug over the weekend and did not shave, so this AM I went to the 7/8" BRW Barber's Notch this morning. Of the three BRWs sitting on my Vanity currently, all of them have had bevels set, and all subsequent finishing performed on American mined Novaculite (Arkansas) stones. Of these, I have found that the referenced razor is performing the best (however subtle) of these three. The shave was a smooth complete BBS+ experience.

No further work on the stones over the weekend, but I do have a to-do list of things to perform on them. First, my 3x8x1 Hard Ark is not completely flat longitudinally; however is flat horizontally across the longitudinal surface. I intend to Lap the opposite surface to the one I am currently using to see what this gives me. Second, now that my Black Ark is lapped, I still want to gain more experience with it as a finisher to see if I can get the same or similar results that my smaller 2x8x1/2 stone is able to give. Once I am done with all of this, I want to take a razor from the ground up on my 4 Ark stones, shaving after each step, to see if in fact I do have a usable progression, or if there is noticeable similarities between the stones that I currently am using.
Nice shave. Good luck with the progression. I hope the results you get are better than you expect.
Great recovery shave this morning, Walt. Looking forward to how the ark progression turns out when you decide to finally tackle it!
Nice read and shave Walt!

Will be interested to hear how the progression works out.
All caught up, Walt. Sorry to hear about the troubles with your grandson - hoping for the best.

On the Ark front, you have my full attention! Dave has sent the surgical black that he worked - I'm looking forward to giving it a go! I know he spent a huge amount of time and energy with that one! I am determined to get a shave-ready edge on a full Ark progression - it's my mission! Plus, I decided to get a couple more Arks, for comparisons; en route are a 6x2x1 translucent from Dan's, and a 6x2x1 black translucent from Natural Whetstone. Before I left for my trip, I found a very nice piece of float glass from a shop in town - it cost me all of $15. And I've got plenty of SiC powder to use (Craig helped me out with that), so I'm planning to try use the techniques from the vids I posted here last week. Then I can really start to experiment.
All caught up, Walt. Sorry to hear about the troubles with your grandson - hoping for the best.

On the Ark front, you have my full attention! Dave has sent the surgical black that he worked - I'm looking forward to giving it a go! I know he spent a huge amount of time and energy with that one! I am determined to get a shave-ready edge on a full Ark progression - it's my mission! Plus, I decided to get a couple more Arks, for comparisons; en route are a 6x2x1 translucent from Dan's, and a 6x2x1 black translucent from Natural Whetstone. Before I left for my trip, I found a very nice piece of float glass from a shop in town - it cost me all of $15. And I've got plenty of SiC powder to use (Craig helped me out with that), so I'm planning to try use the techniques from the vids I posted here last week. Then I can really start to experiment.

Good luck on the Ark front. As you can discern from my posts, I have some work to do to really get them figured out. Honestly, I just have not invested the time to really experiment, observe, and get a complete sense of the feedback, etc. It is time to prevail.
....It is time to prevail.

I'm with ya on this!
Catching up on the reads, Walt, and I want to add my voice to the encouragement. Keeping you and the family in my thoughts.