The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

MarkB's Basses, Shaves & Other Obsessions

59 Chevy Impala...
You are correct, sir!! Give that man a...

24 March, 2020

Good morning all! Hope everyone had a pleasant night. More severe weather moving through he area today. If you're in the bull's eye, stay safe! Hope everyone has a great day!


PAA "The Cube 2.0" w/ Menthol
Stirling Soap Co. "Lime" Shave Soap
APShaveCo. 30mm Tuxedo Synth Brush
Stirling Soap Co. Silicone Shave Bowl
1964 Gillette Slim
Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless
PAA Unscented Star Jelly
Vintage Avon "Tai Winds" Splash

Vintage Avon "Tai Winds" EdC
Mark’s got the jokes today! Lol! Good stuff man. I need to spend a few days with my vintage Avons soon too!
25 March, 2020

Part 1


That was a close one! A tornadic storm passed right over my house last night!! My wife didn't want to go to the community shelter due to the COVID-19 virus, so we were hunkered down in the hallway. This storm had marched all the way across the state from Mississippi and had lost little of it's punch in the process.

The lead singer in my country band did a screen cap from his house's security system and sent this to me.


He lives about five minutes from me and this is looking north from his front porch. Luckily it didn't touch down, just a lot of wind and rain from it. It had produced two tornadoes before this pic was taken and dropped an additional one about 25 miles east of my house.
Dang, dodged a bullet man! Glad you’re OK!

What’s the word on homes in that area? No storm cellars or anything?
Dang, dodged a bullet man! Glad you’re OK!

What’s the word on homes in that area? No storm cellars or anything?
Some have them and some don’t. It’s not a mandatory requirement on new home builds and putting one in can get expensive.

As I said, normally we go to the community shelter but with the state of things we chose to ride it out at home this time.
Some have them and some don’t. It’s not a mandatory requirement on new home builds and putting one in can get expensive.

As I said, normally we go to the community shelter but with the state of things we chose to ride it out at home this time.
I've often thought about putting one in here myself also, but yes very expensive. If I ever died in a tornado they'll say, "well he sure had a lot of shave soap and gear though " 😜