The Shaving Cadre

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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

Hm, have you checked the threading on the razor? Maybe it’s had some stripping or isn’t tightening all the way?
Can't wait to see a pic of that shiny 400!
I'm not much on posting pics. Haven't ever done it, to my recollection. You might have to use your imagination! Or maybe I'll give it a try someday. If I do, I'll be sure to include the Rubberset.

Hm, have you checked the threading on the razor? Maybe it’s had some stripping or isn’t tightening all the way?
I don't think this applies to the way the Pils works. Thanks anyway.

CCIX this morning. Sta-Sharp, Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend, new Rubberset brush (of course). Two passes with the Sta-Sharp, one with the Ming-shi. Easy CCS.

I think we get enough great shaves around here that we forget how good our daily shaves really are. It becomes routine. But what a great routine!

My friend visited my office yesterday during lunch hour. I could see joy in her eyes again, the way she always had been previously. She is clearly and steadily healing. It was nice to see.

Thanks to anybody who has kept her in their thoughts and prayers.

Have a great day, gents!
I was way behind, but all caught up now. Great reads!

CCXX yesterday morning, and CCXXI this morning.

Yesterday I used Doc's Special Blend and the Sta-Sharp again. This morning I went with Stirling Peach and my ZY. The ZY definitely had a sharper edge. I think I've only used it maybe 4 times since Chris honed it for me. Two passes plus a bit of touch-up to DFS today. I really had a great lather with the Stirling Peach this morning; used my newly restored Rubberset 400, which is just an awesome brush.

Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying the long weekend.

Tomorrow I have the lesson in Sunday School (a few chapters of Jeremiah) but I don't have to play the organ.
Hope you’ve had a nice Thanksgiving weekend as well Randall! Have fun with the lesson tomorrow!
....My friend visited my office yesterday during lunch hour. I could see joy in her eyes again, the way she always had been previously. She is clearly and steadily healing. It was nice to see....
Amen, brother. You have no idea how much relief I felt.

CCXXII this morning.

Fired up the ZY again and the Lollipop Citrus. For some reason the edge felt considerably duller this morning than it did on Saturday. I thought the stropping went OK, but maybe it didn't? It was tugging more, for sure. I even aborted the bottom half of the right side of my neck because it just felt too harsh.

Still managed to get through two passes, though, without much problem after that. Finished off with the Ming-Shi and ended up with a CCS. I had one small weeper, caused by the DE, not the straight.

Otherwise, all good, and a pretty good start to the week.

Hope y'all's weeks got off to a good start today!
Sorry for the rough shave. Glad the holiday was a good one!

CCXXIII this morning.

Today was an all Mystic Water day. I used Mystic Water bath soap ("Fall Leaves" scent; much nicer than it sounds), Mystic Water shampoo soap (I use this pretty much every day), Mystic Water deodorant (again, an every day thing), Mystic Water shave soap in the Rosalimone scent, and Mystic Water hair oil (again, almost every day for this product, as well).

I love the Rosalimone scent, as I have mentioned before. It's just beautiful. A nice rose with a fresh lemon background. What's not to like? It makes a lovely lather and the post-shave face feel is just perfect.

For hardware, I used the "Mighty Mite" (Sta-Sharp). Last night I gave it about 11 laps on CrOx and then stropped it up pretty good. It had a nice edge and gave me a good shave. I cleaned up with the original iKon SBS in brass, attached to a UFO handle. I think the Polsilver is on its last legs. I'll switch to a different razor for clean-up starting tomorrow; probably a GEM but maybe an AC razor.

Last night I graduated from my first set of aligners to my second set (I have braces now, and each set gets used for two weeks, so I'm just two weeks into a 6-month term). Obviously, by the time you get to the end of the two weeks with an aligner, your teeth have moved some, so the aligners go in and out pretty easily and they don't hurt. Well, switching to a new aligner means back to square zero. Very tight, and I can feel them pulling. It's not horrible, though, and I guess if they weren't pulling it would be a colossal waste of money, right?

Anyway, I hope y'all have a great day.

Last night I graduated from my first set of aligners to my second set (I have braces now, and each set gets used for two weeks, so I'm just two weeks into a 6-month term). Obviously, by the time you get to the end of the two weeks with an aligner, your teeth have moved some, so the aligners go in and out pretty easily and they don't hurt. Well, switching to a new aligner means back to square zero. Very tight, and I can feel them pulling. It's not horrible, though, and I guess if they weren't pulling it would be a colossal waste of money, right?
Whew, good thing you don't have to deal with dating and braces ?
I’m not a fan of rose scented soaps, but I do enjoy Rosalimon. It’s a wonderful blend. The lemon tamed what I don’t like in the Rose.
Whew, good thing you don't have to deal with dating and braces
Dude! These braces are INVISIBLE, man!

I’m not a fan of rose scented soaps, but I do enjoy Rosalimon. It’s a wonderful blend. The lemon tamed what I don’t like in the Rose.
I love Rosalimone. I'm not opposed to floral scents, and I don't really know whether I'd like a straight-up rose scent, but Rosalimone is the bee's knees.

CCXXIV yesterday. CCXXV this morning.

I posted a nice long entry yesterday (or at least thought I had) but I don't see it anywhere. I'll condense it here. Yesterday morning I used the beta-testing sample of Siliski again. I loaded it wet and tried my best to get a nice slick lather. It looked great and the first half of the first pass was good. By the time I got to the second half, the lather was drying on my face. It's almost like there is so much glycerin in it that it absorbs water out of itself, if you know what I'm saying. Very hard to rinse off the blade.
I used the Mighty Mite and for clean-up used my Everready Streamline. I used my Rubberset brush. Shave end result was nice. Post-shave face feel is really rich, like maybe the soap is overly moisturizing.

I've been sick with a cold and it got a lot worse yesterday. Yesterday evening I asked my wife whether people can die from a cold. She said no, so I think I'll live, but I felt HORRIBLE. I slept pretty well, though.
So for this morning's shave I went with Doc's Special Blend (it has a medicinal smell to it, to be sure; not quite Vicks vaporub but similar....I figured it would be perfect for today). I went with the Mighty Mite again for two passes, but relegated touch-up to my MMOC rather than the Streamline. The MMOC is wonderful.

Shave was close; one small weeper in the "soul patch" area and a tiny bit of irritation below the back part of the right jaw, but it went away within minutes. Overall, CCS+/DFS-.

I'm feeling a little bit better, but I can hardly talk. I hope y'all are doing better than I am!
Bummer, hope you're getting some good couch time
I am! See below.

Sorry to hear you’re under the weather! Hoping it clears up quickly for you!
Thank you.

Bummer that you're under the weather, Randall. But that sentence made me laugh, given your profession.
I know, it's pathetic, right?

CCXXVI this morning. No shave at all yesterday; too sick. Didn't even shower. Yes, I sat around a lot! I've slept pretty well the last three nights so I feel like I'm going to be able to get over this thing pretty soon. Still feeling pretty lousy, but definitely slightly better.

For this a.m. I obviously had two-days' growth and a horrible cold. I elected to go with Doc's Special Blend again, for its medicinal properties. ;-) I lathered it with my "new" Rubberset 400. I went with the Sta-Sharp again today.

First pass went pretty well. The Sta-Sharp didn't seem to have much more trouble with the two-days' growth than it does with one. Second pass was OK, except that I got a little aggressive around the chin and got a couple of weepers. I did a third pass with the MMOC and was good to go.

I hope y'all have a good weekend.