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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

Good shave! Hopefully you’re on the downhill side of that cold.
I think I might be, but it's been pretty darned persistent.

The Doc (Special Blend) patching up the Doc! Excellent!
Absolutely, man.

Whew! Guess this cold wasn't the lethal kind.
I guess not, since, as they say in Python's Holy Grail, "I'm not dead yet!" ;-)

CCXXVII this morning.

Yesterday, being a Sunday, was my day off open blade shaves. I lathered up some AoS lemon cream and did a quick two passes with my MMOC. Smooth and comfortable.

This morning I went with Soapy Science Lollipop Citrus, lathered with my Rubberset 400 (love this brush!). I went back to the Noonan and did two smooth passes, then cleaned up a bit with the MMOC. No problems whatsoever today.

Feeling a TINY bit better, but at night when I lie down to sleep I can't stop coughing, so it's hard to get to sleep. Took me about an hour to finally nod off. After that, I seem to sleep pretty well, so that's something.

Last night was our final rehearsal for the musical portion of our Christmas Devotional, which will be this Friday and Saturday. Everything went pretty well. I am heavily involved, being the assistant director of the choir (and the primary director wasn't there yesterday). Also one of the songs I composed is being performed by a small group of 7 singers, and I also arranged a carol for the hand bell choir, which we rehearsed after the main choir rehearsal. It's nice to see these pieces finally starting to come together. I think the devotional is going to be pretty nice. I'll give y'all a report after I see how it actually goes when the time comes.

Have a great start to your week.
Sounds like some very nice Christmas celebrations ahead! I know you’re a doctor, but is music like a second love? Or do you get help with it a lot?
Sounds like some very nice Christmas celebrations ahead! I know you’re a doctor, but is music like a second love? Or do you get help with it a lot?
It's my second love. I've been choral conducting for almost 40 years. I also compose choral music. I've had one piece published and I've had 5 pieces performed by organized choirs.
No time this morning, so I lathered up the Stirling Peach and did two quick passes with GEM razors; first pass with the MMOC and the second pass with the bullet tip.

Marvelous shave and a good start to the day.

Still suffering with my cold, but slept OK.

Hope y'all are doing well.
Go git er dun Randall!

That's what I'm talking about.
Lingering colds are no fun at all.
You got that right.

CCXXVIII this morning.

Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend, my new Rubberset brush, the Noonan. Two passes went very smoothly. Cat sitting at my feet the whole time, purring loudly. That was a nice touch.

Third pass was with the Colonial General (the original aluminum one) loaded with a fresh Schick Proline blade. I hadn't used an AC-style razor in a very long time, so I had forgotten how amazing this thing is. Wow. What a smooth, easy, comfortable clean-up pass.

Final result? Probably the closest shave I've had in several months, and no irritation at all. Finished up with Stirling Lime balm (moving more toward balms now that it's colder and drier).

Slept most of the night without even taking Nyquil, so I must be getting a little bit better. Have a great day, gents!
The unobtainium General makes another believer...dang you Colonial, at least come back out with the aluminum!
The unobtainium General makes another believer...dang you Colonial, at least come back out with the aluminum!
Yeah. It's a sweet shaving razor. See below for more details.

So, last night was really busy and was really tired and therefore I forgot to strop up a straight razor.

So this morning it was the Colonial General for two passes. Near perfection. Used MW Rosalimone and got the perfect lather. Post-shave is AMAZING.

Two passes to shaving nirvana with the General.

Hope y'all have a great day.
Yeah. It's a sweet shaving razor. See below for more details.

So, last night was really busy and was really tired and therefore I forgot to strop up a straight razor.

So this morning it was the Colonial General for two passes. Near perfection. Used MW Rosalimone and got the perfect lather. Post-shave is AMAZING.

Two passes to shaving nirvana with the General.

Hope y'all have a great day.

....Two passes to shaving nirvana with the General....

CCXXIX this morning.

Dusted off and stropped the ZY. Haven't used it in awhile. Lathered up Mystic Water's Rosalimone again because I enjoyed it so much the last time.

The edge seemed pretty good on the cheeks. It tugged a bit in the densest patches under the chin. Overall, I'd give the edge a B+, perhaps. Did two passes without two much trouble and the final pass with the Colonial General. Overall a good shave, but I got a little weeper with the General (gasp!). It wasn't anything to get excited about and stopped on its own. CCS+.

I like blooming MW soap with just a little bit of water. When loading, if you can get it to the "wet tendril" stage, where it looks like a much whiter version of the Japanese "food" natto, you are guaranteed to get an amazing lather (provided you stick with it long enough). It requires 30-60 longer to lather than any of my other soaps, but the resultant lather is phenomenal.

The post-shave is so amazing. It doesn't feel like something is left on your face that you can't rinse off, like so many of the newer soaps do; likewise, there is no dryness all. Rather, the skin just feels SOFT. Every.freaking.time. I really haven't found another soap maker who has been able to really replicate this amazing feat.

Hope y'all have a great day. My cold is abating and I feel quite a bit better. Unfortunately, my voice is still messed up so I can't sing in the choir for tonight's concert. I will be playing a solo on bowed psaltery, and I'm playing in the bell choir. Also, a small group will be performing a Christmas song that I composed, so the concert should still be fun. But after practicing with the choir once a week for the past month and a half, and conducting them through two rehearsals, I'll be seated in the audience. Oh well.

Have a great day!
I’m sure the concert will go wonderfully. At least you’re well enough to participate in some of it!
CCXXX Saturday morning.

I did something unprecedented (for me). I used RazoRock What the Puck? soap with a straight razor. I had actually never done that before. I lathered it carefully and took my time, trying to maximize the lather. It's way fuller and airier than the lathers I get from my favorite soaps, but surprisingly, it shaved pretty well.

I went back to the Japanese shorty (Rosette). I hadn't used it in quite some time. Two passes with the Rosette went smoothly, and I finished off with the General. Nice, comfy shave.

Saturday night's concert went pretty well. I still couldn't sing, but the youth did a very nice job with my composition, I played my psaltery fairly well, and the hand bells went great except for one or two minor errors. All in all, a nice concert and a good time.

This morning was my planned day off straights. Went with the General for two passes; lathered up with AoS lemon cream. No muss no fuss.

I played the organ at church. It's more fun in December when we get to fire up the Christmas songs. I even added the chimes to the second verse of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," which was festive. I taught the Sunday School lesson, too, from Ezekiel, which is an interesting book. Lots of cool visions and stuff.

A good day except for the horrible weather. We got rain all day and in the evening winds with gusts up to about 40 mph.

Hope y'all had a good weekend.