The Shaving Cadre

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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

Love rooting around through shops like that. There’s usually a million great things I find but nothing I want to actually buy. I could walk for hours if the store(s) are big enough.

Its like the lotto...maybe if I just walk around a little longer I’ll find that thing I didn’t know I needed...
Yep. Precisely.

I am thinking that Stirling Peach is something I might need. I absolutely love the smell of peaches. It's fall maybe I need an apple scented soap also!
You do need Stirling Peach. It's amazing. I love peaches, too. You can practically feel the peach fuzz on your palate when you lather up with this stuff. Seriously.

Today was a DE shave. I used AoS lemon cream, and did two quick passes with my iKon Pils copy. I had a fantastic two-pass shave without any irritation or problems at all. I LOVE this razor. It's amazing.

Not much else to say today. It's another gorgeous autumn day; blue skies and mild temperatures. I had to go to work, but I should be out of here in time to enjoy the majority of this fabulous day.

Hope yours is good.
Nice no worries shave today! And enjoy your beautiful weather as soon as you get off of work!
You do need Stirling Peach. It's amazing. I love peaches, too. You can practically feel the peach fuzz on your palate when you lather up with this stuff. Seriously.

Today was a DE shave. I used AoS lemon cream, and did two quick passes with my iKon Pils copy. I had a fantastic two-pass shave without any irritation or problems at all. I LOVE this razor. It's amazing.

Not much else to say today. It's another gorgeous autumn day; blue skies and mild temperatures. I had to go to work, but I should be out of here in time to enjoy the majority of this fabulous day.

Hope yours is good.
Nice shave but stop eating your soap ?
Nice no worries shave today! And enjoy your beautiful weather as soon as you get off of work!
Thanks. I enjoyed it immensely.

Nice shave but stop eating your soap
Ha! Thing is, this one smells almost good enough to eat.

Work on a Sunday? Noooooo!

I hope the afternoon provides some good R&R!

CCX today.

Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend (love it!) and the Mighty Mite again. Two passes with the Mite, one with the Hammer of Vishnu. I got a tiny little weeper on the chin where I pushed too hard with the blade on the XTG pass. I knew I was pushing too hard when I did it. It was so small it stopped bleeding on its own and can't be seen at all right now, so really "no harm no foul."

CCS for a Monday morning. Our beautiful weather was swallowed by a dismal, gray, drizzly, breezy day. Oh, well.

Yesterday evening was all music all the time. We are firing up the choir preparing for a Christmas concert in early December. I got to lead the men's sectionals. Then I went to handbell choir, where they started working on a song arranged for the bells by none other than yours truly.

We have a lot of work to do, both in the vocal choir and in the handbell choir, but it's fun and I really enjoy it.

Have a great day, gents.
Very cool, loved when the bell choir came out at church.
Very cool, loved when the bell choir came out at church.
Ah the joyous sounds of the holidays!
Ah the sounds of the holidays are upon us!
Yep, it's pretty sweet. The bells have a unique sound that I really enjoy.

CCXI this morning.

Back to the Mighty Mite again, this time with (sorry, Ga Tech Chris, Lollipop Citrus). Today I did three passes with the straight and a bit of neck touch-up with the Hammer of Vishnu. Overall, a very nice shave.

My son is getting his Remicade infusion this morning (he has Crohn's disease and gets infusions every 6 weeks) and then later this afternoon he is actually going back to work for the first time since his surgical procedure. He is doing pretty well. We'll see how he handles a long shift on his feet; he had just gotten good at it when the surgery put him on his butt/back for two weeks. I suspect he is going to be exhausted when he gets home.

My friend (the one who lost her dad four weeks ago) came over to our house last night to hang out and to play my 52-inch upright Steinway piano. I think it was very therapeutic for her. She seems to be doing pretty well. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

I got up early this morning and voted on the way to work and still made it on time, so I'm pretty proud of myself. ;-) Hope y'all have a great day!
Well it seems like good news to me! Your son getting back to work sounds like progress! I am sure after a long break he might be a little tired...but getting back to noe=rmal has got to feel good. It also sounds like your friend is coping as well as she can. and that Steinway must be a behemoth of a piano...even if it is an upright!

Nice to hear some good news...even if it is relative.
A Steinway? Nice! I’ve only ever seen a couple, but they are works of art!

Glad things are on the up and up!
Well it seems like good news to me! Your son getting back to work sounds like progress! I am sure after a long break he might be a little tired...but getting back to noe=rmal has got to feel good. It also sounds like your friend is coping as well as she can. and that Steinway must be a behemoth of a piano...even if it is an upright!

Nice to hear some good news...even if it is relative.
Thanks! Yeah, the Steinway is huge and ridiculously heavy. Sound-wise blindfolded people couldn't differentiate it from a 6-foot grand, so it's pretty amazing.

Maybe I'll be able to get that soap one day.
I hope you do. I think you'll love it.

A Steinway? Nice! I’ve only ever seen a couple, but they are works of art!

Glad things are on the up and up!
Thanks. Yeah, the Steinway is awesome. I bought it when I was a second-year resident and definitely couldn't afford it. I made monthly payments on it for about 4 years, like a car. It was actually more expensive that the Honda Accord I was driving at the time.
It was really stupid for me to buy it then, and I'll probably have to work an extra 5 years or more because I the hit I took by deferring my student loans (while they accrued interest) and investing in a piano, instead, but now I'm really glad I bought it. I just love it, and I play it almost every day.

Last night I didn't sleep well so I slept in a bit longer and didn't have time for a straight-razor shave. So I lathered up the mystery beta-testing soap and did a quick two-passer with the Hammer of Vishnu. The lather was copious and thick, as previously. It takes a while to build. It shaves nicely and the post-shave is good. I got a CCS with the quick two passes, so it worked out well.

My friend came to visit me at the hospital today. We did a bit of crying, but mostly had a good time talking. She is making good progress.
The healing of the heart and soul progresses. Excellent!
Yep. Thanks for your prayers.

CCXII this morning.

Stirling Peach, the ZY, two passes, then the Hammer of Vishnu touch-up for a CCS+ today. I used Stirling aftershave, too, the balm in the lime scent.

Tomorrow morning I have a meeting that forces me to come to the hospital a full two hours earlier than I usually do. I will not be getting up for a straight razor shave tomorrow morning. I'm contemplating whether I'll shave at all, to be honest. I don't have patient interactions tomorrow. So maybe I'll take a very rare day off of shaving (gasp!).

Anyway, hope you guys have a great day.
Stirling Peach
Oh yeah.

CCXIII this morning.

As promised, I skipped yesterday's shave entirely. A real rarity for me.

So this morning I had a lot of growth to mow down. Interestingly, I was able to see that the grain on the right side of my face was not straight down as I had thought, but more down and toward the ear. So I altered my first pass accordingly, starting not just under the sideburn and going down as I usually do, but starting near the center of the cheek and moving almost exactly the direction I saw the grain to be this morning.

Oh, by the way, I was using Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend and I fired up the Mighty Mite.

First-pass was comfortable and smooth, and reduction was actually quite good. For the second pass instead of going Chimensch I went a hybrid WTG/XTG nose-to-ear, using right hand for right side of face and left hand for left side. I don't think this worked as well as the Chimensch, so I'll be going back to that with my next shave.

Still, after two passes I had a pretty good shave. For good measure I added one pass with the Hammer of Vishnu, and I was DFS-. I splashed on some Myrsol F.Extra (great juice, by the way), and I was good to go.

My son is nearly recovered completely from his surgery. He is back to work and doing well. He actually went out and got a job interview at a different place and scored a new job that pays $1.50 an hour more than the job he is currently working, so he's pretty happy about that.

My friend is doing quite a bit better. I noticed that her car was an absolute disaster when I saw it in the parking garage. So yesterday, when I had some time off and she was working, I brought some "spray-on car wash" and a 6-pack of microfiber cloths and cleaned her car up for her. Grime was really, really thick on that thing. Took me almost two hours, and I had to throw those microfiber cloths away they were so soiled. But in the end, her car looked really great.

When she saw it, she was so happy she almost couldn't stop laughing. She said she had practically forgotten that her car was silver under all that. It was a lot of work, but it was totally worth it when I saw how happy it made her. She said that she hadn't laughed like that at all in over a month since her father died.

One day at a time, and all that, but yesterday's effort really made a HUGE difference for her.

Hope you all have a great day.
So happy to hear that your son is getting better all the time!

And it's those small acts of kindness that really make a difference in the lives of people! I am so happy that a little cleaning of your friend's vehicle made her happy...even if it was for a time!
Great update Randall! Happy to hear the boy is back to work, with quite substantial pay upgrade as well, nice! Good job giving your friend’s car the old spit shine and her a lighter heart!