The Shaving Cadre

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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

Hoping everyone cares for your son as their own today. And I know you're looking forward to getting to hug him ASAP.

Now....after things settle in your life a bit, maybe we can work on that cashew-raisin ratio...
Thanks for the well wishes. As to the ratio, we need more cashews!!!

First things first, I hope that your son's surgery is uneventful and successful. And sounds like your friend's grief is going to take quite a while to ebb. Glad that you are able to "be there" for her.

Secondly, congrats on #200!!
Thanks, Chris! The surgery went well, although he was on the table for almost 3 hours and had to have two cartilage grafts. There were no complications, it was just a lot of work. This morning both eyes are swollen shut and the entire top half of his face is bruised and swollen. He is pretty miserable. I am hoping each day is slightly better than the last and that in the end he will finally be able to breathe comfortably through his nose. That will make it worthwhile.

Mega congratulations on your 200th!

Hope things go well today for your son. Good on you for continuing to be a presence of kindness and support for your friend!
Thanks, Chris. He is miserable but I think he's going to be OK. He still had a sense of humor last night in the midst of his suffering.
I told my friend she's stuck with me for the long haul. I feel very blessed to be in a position to help her get through this challenge.

Congrats on 200

So, having reached 200, I wasn't sure how much I was going to continue straight razor shaving, but I found myself stropping up the Noonan last night. However, when push came to shove, I overslept my alarm and didn't have time this morning. The Noonan is ready for tomorrow, though.

So for this morning I used the Fatboy with a Polsilver. Since I wasn't going to use the straight, I decided to use a soap I didn't really like with the straight razor: Razorock What the Puck! in the Orange Sunrise scent.

I whipped up a nice lather and had a good two-pass shave. No problems at all. The lather is fine for DE shaving. I like the scent. It's just a little airier than I prefer for my straight shaves.

Have a great day, gents!
Better safe than sorry!

Glad the surgery went well. Great that your son can find some humor in all of this!
Better safe than sorry!

Glad the surgery went well. Great that your son can find some humor in all of this!
I'm a little late...but congratulations on 200!
Thanks, guys.

OK, so I'm changing up the numbering, just for the heck of it. First, I'm moving to roman numerals. Second, I'm dropping the second number, since I never shave with shavettes anymore.

Without any further adieu, straight razor shave number CCI was this morning.

Lathered up Soapy Science in the Lollipop Citrus scent and went to it with the Noonan for two passes; cleaned up with the Fatboy. Nice shave today. Finished with lime-mint-menthol aftershave. Very refreshing.

On the home front, my son's swelling got even worse. He was very discouraged this morning. Told me "I. regret. everything."

I gave him a squeeze and told him he would get through it, that he had fortitude he didn't even know he had, and that lots of people were praying for him. So don't make me a liar, OK?

Have a good day.
I know things will get better for your son...It may not seem like it right now...but it will. Still praying for him and you!
First, I'm moving to roman numerals.
Ohdearlord, the good doctor is in teaching mode ?

Hopfully this stage of the healing will progress quickly. Tell him if it makes him feel any better, we can inundate your house with tributes of shave soap!
Thanks for the update Randall!

Epic way to count shaves! Looking forward to LXVIXM!

Sorry to hear your son’s pain has increased. Definitely continuing the prayers!
Keeping your son in my thoughts. I hope he makes a full recovery.

I am just going to leave this here...
A quick reminder of Roman Numerals just in case anyone needs a memory jogger:
I == 1
V == 5
X == 10
L == 50
C == 100
D == 500
M == 1000

Roman numerals work by addition and subtraction from left to right, with larger numbers listed in descending order. If a smaller number directly precedes a large number, subtract the smaller from the larger. Otherwise add straight across.

Here are a few examples:
VI == 6
IV == 4
XXXIV == 34
MMXVIII == 2018
CCI == 201
CDXXI == 421

I have always wished that I had continued my Latin studies beyond high school.
I wasn't going to say anything but since the Roman Numeral conversion has occurred I gather the author of the Kingfisher journal has committed to another milestone. I have noticed over the years that straight shave 200 marks a turning point for many a good man. it seems we are excited to mark our first 30 or 45 shaves because we know that they will be the toughest. Then we shoot for a hundred because everyone loves big round numbers. Somewhere between 100 and 200 we get pretty good at the whole thing, experience some set-backs and challenges but overcome them like a champ. We keep our eyes on shave #200 because its a full 100 more than the big 100 we worked so hard to achieve. But somehow as we approach 200 we find out that there is life outside of the forum and our journal starts to be a drag. The ratio of "life is hard" to "straight shaves rock" starts to shift drastically and we find ourselves in a funk.

You may think I am joking or being creative but I am not. I first observed it with Xenostr8shaver (Dave) about 2 and a half years ago. Man I was in awe of his straight shave count and thought I would never reach 200...and there he was experiencing a funk. I am not sure of my timing but I do believe his mother passed away a short time before (or shortly after) which may have been a contributing factor. Then I saw the same 200 shave funk creep into my own life. I didn't have anything terribly traumatic as a catalyst (that I recall) but I do know I was in a funk and had to change something to pull out of it. I didn't go all Roman Numeral (but I admit thats a cool idea) but I did change up my approach. I have waffled back and forth with SOTD photos and used to plan out my shaves in great detail which it turned out was a contributing factor to my funk. I had enough going on that I wasn't always able to plan ahead ("life sucks" took a lead over "straight shaves rock") so I cut the SOTD photos which allowed me to be more fluid and adaptive. As you'll notice now, I don't keep a regular journal or even a predictable VLOG. I find myself spending plenty of time here on the forum (we owners spend a good amount of time devoted to this place) but don't make time for my own journal. I personally plan to count my shaves to at least 1000 because that has always been my goal, i figure after that i might try switching to Roman Numerals!

Sorry life has slapped you and your close circle around this year (it's been a tough 6-7 months if I recall correctly), have faith that it will get better AND there will be more enjoyment than pain.
Gentlemen, thanks for all the well wishes. My son's swelling has finally decreased enough that he can see out of both eyes. He was able to watch an anime this morning, which was a goal of his over the past two days when he couldn't see worth squat.
He is also finally past the 72-hour mark, which means he no longer has to have ice on his face continuously, which is a relief. He also got a bath last night, which helped, at least psychologically. He has stepped down from the opioid pain killers to plain old Tylenol, which is a huge step.
He still has a long ways to go, but is definitely clearly on the right track. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.

My grieving friend is also making progress. Last night was her last night shift in the intensive care unit, which was where she was when she heard about her father's death. She has the weekend off and her fiance was able to come to town. She texted these words to me about an hour ago: "I'm strong today." This makes me very happy.

CCII this morning was with a new soap, an experimental base I am trying as a beta-tester. I used the Mighty Mite (Sta-Sharp). I'll give more details about the soap in future entries after I have tried it a few more times. For now I'll say that the scent strength was WAY weaker than I prefer, although the scent was pleasant. The lather was actually TOO thick, which was strange. I think I needed to start with more water.
I ended up with a couple of itty-bitty weepers and a couple of spots that were slightly irritated. Otherwise all went well.
I don't know whether the bad stuff was technique related or because of the soap. I may have been applying pressure in an attempt to get the lather off, because it tended to stick to my face. I don't know; it was weird. More to come.

Have a great day, gents.
Great update!

And oh, such a horribly mean soap tease! That cashew/raisin ratio affects so much! Possibly even world peace!
Great news about your son's progress and your friend's as well.

Not so great about the soap tease!
How do you get to do all these beta testings anyway?
Great update!

And oh, such a horribly mean soap tease! That cashew/raisin ratio affects so much! Possibly even world peace!
Thanks. More to come with the soap story, don't worry.
And yes! They should just increase the cashews already!!

Great news all around
Yep. Hopefully things are turning and will continue to turn for the better.

Great news about your son's progress and your friend's as well.

Not so great about the soap tease!
How do you get to do all these beta testings anyway?
Thanks. As for being a beta-tester, I just rock like that. So I get asked to do it a lot.

CCIII today.

Noonan plus Doc's Special Blend; generally equals good shave, and today was no exception. For clean-up I went back to the Pils clone; I think I like it just slightly better than the Fatboy. The blade in there was pretty much done, though, so I binned it after the shave.
Clean-up razor for tomorrow yet to be determined........

My son's facial swelling is better but he seems to have developed depression. I've heard it's not uncommon after this type of surgery. I'm going to be hanging out with him a lot today; see if I can buoy his spirits a bit.

My friend said today was a bit harder because last night she went back over to her childhood home for the first time since her father passed. So this morning she was struggling a bit, but she said "I'm fine. I just want to keep you in the loop." I figure it's natural for their to be ups and downs, ebbs and flows, happier times and sadder times. My response is the same as it has ever been: support, love, prayers.

Have a good day.
Wouldn't you know, Randall, that after you've been wearing me down with the "Lollipop Citrus" soap, I decided to finally place an order.....and they're sold out. Doh!