Well Matt,
Sorry for your experience. I should preface this by saying i think the product, again the product is fine. Is it worth the price NO. As mention this soap, as is CBL Orion, are two soaps in a completely different class of soaps, and have a pretty complicated way of lathering to accomplish the best results. It should be noted that the original pif, was based on other factors and not the product itself. That not withstanding there are some key factors in my opinion on success with this soap, sadly as we all know, traditionally sample sizes do not always result in the best overall experience, and this soap does not like bowl lathering
1. Synthetic brush
2. Starting with an almost dry brush
3. Swirl and create a pasted
4. Take to face and being to build. In my experience it starts off a gloppy mess, as does Orion
5. You just barely dip the tips of the brush and build so more ( this may take a few times, dont rush it)
6. There will come a time when it will explode into a darn near perfect lather
It should be noted that i have VERY HARD water and very akaline. I have had better luck with my hard water than the supposed “soft water is the best”. Again this is in my experience. I refer you to my video some years ago on this to show my explanation
Again soaps and the expereince, and diversity of how a soap lathers, and reacts are such a subjective and individual process that there are no “real answers”, as we have discussed via telephone.
Also just for info, to you, and to those that the original, and subsequent pif are concerned, i have been informed and got the feeling that the true feelings on this soap, are being withheld to prevent any “hard feelings”. To me if you like it post it, if you hate it post it. It does not really matter, nor does it hurt anyones feelings. As I said, my original PIF had to do with the Business Practices, not the product and it was better for me to PIF it than toss it away.
Sorry for the long winded response, but i wanted to clarify
Again, sorry your experience was not up to your expectations, I would only suggest trying it again