“The Disney Princess’s Apprentice”
Sorry you had blade issues. Good shave other wise.
Thanks TJ!
Sorry you had blade issues. Good shave other wise.
Bummer on the Brut AS. Man I sure do love it. Remind me again what you use to make your mix?
Maybe I was just expecting too much.
I use Brut Splash on Frag, witch hazel, and wintergreen isopropyl.
The Splash On? And then you dilute it? The Splash On is already weaker than the AS. Maybe it just came off as too strong?
Good shave today, but yup...time to move on to another blade!
Just got caught up, Chris. Nice shaves. I enjoyed the videos, too.
With the GEM razors in the mustache area, you have to keep the angle steep. Move the nose aside if you have to, start with it somewhat less steep but try to get it steep again ASAP. It takes a bit of practice but it can be done pretty easily once you get a muscle memory for it.
I've always found the 1912s to allow too much blade bending for my taste. I get a much better shave out of the MMOC or the Bullet Tip, which is my current favorite GEM razor.
Lookie who's creeping up on #200
Just catching up and looking good man!
Nice shave Chris. Shame about the Brut !!
Sounds like some good stuff you're going thru Chris. Glad you are finding some winners !
Catie's Bubbles is a soap that I'm going to re-visit soon. I recently got a couple of samples of scents that I hadn't used before (I've used 13 CB soaps prior to these samples showing up).