Shave #120 (459 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:
Gear: Colonial Brass General, Schick Proline blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm badger brush, CBL Grassroots Lavender soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, CBL Barba AST, and Fine AB EDT to finish!
Busy arse morning!
The one day I am able to convince the missus not to make me get up early for school duties...everyone is loud as heck! I got up anyway.
Then it was a cup o joe with a couple things to do around the house. Then off to teach Bible study at the church. Small class today but good! Then it was back home after stopping at the store. Then 2 hours of yard work in the noontime heat
Finally I got around to my cleanup and shave! And OH. MY. The shave made everything right for sure! This was the shave I’d been waiting for all week. Loaded up the naked Brass General with a well used Proline and after the shower worked up a nice, light, sweet lavender lather with the Harlequin and went to town. Ladies and gents...I’d you’ve ever fallen in love all over again, you know the shave I had! Despite the well used blade, the warmed General moved like a hot knife through butter...only a slight hesitation in cut rounding the chin but a lot of my razors do that. It was everything I remembered and better from my first use of a borrowed one years ago. The weight and heft is magnificent, easily the heaviest razor I’ve ever used; silent like a ninja; those glorious warm curves hitting their mark in all the right places. I had no trouble getting in any nook of the face despite her big boned nature. I walked away with the easiest BBS I’ve had in a while...less cleanup than the Vector, with what seems to be the same results and a gentler shave. I’ll continue to use her in my days off until it’s time to send her in to Chris at BRG for some special treatment. Hope the little extra nickel girth she’ll be getting doesn’t change her too much! She’s perfect!
Almost forgot! First use of CBL Barba AST thanks to Bruce!
Great milk juice! It’s like a Barbasol + light Paul Sebastian combo. Great face feel and scent!
Mentoree meeting soon. In a couple hours the family will be switching gears and having a small celebration and dinner out for the middle son who’s turning 13 today.
Have a great Thursday all!