The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #99 (459 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Proline blade, SV/TSC Il Re Tasso d’Oro brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!

Up at 7:30 for Friday dad duties since I have the day off. Got everyone fed and in classes, then it was time for me time!

Superb Vector / SV shave today. The kind of shave legends are made of and minstrels sing songs about! Finishing with Guerlain Vetiver just made it that much better.

I think that once the taxes roll in, I’m going to try selling off a few things and pursing my unicorn 1st generation Brass General purchase...then that might very well be the last hardware purchase I make. Period. Except to replace things if they wear out/break.

About to go out for some morning sustenance with the missus. Gotta get a jump start on next week’s teaching. Mentoree meeting later most likely. Hopefully some good game/table top game time in there somewhere!

Have a great Friday all! Ya made it!
Superb Vector / SV shave today. The kind of shave legends are made of and minstrels sing songs about! Finishing with Guerlain Vetiver just made it that much better.
I think that once the taxes roll in, I’m going to try selling off a few things and pursing my unicorn 1st generation Brass General purchase...then that might very well be the last hardware purchase I make. Period. Except to replace things if they wear out/break.
Have you tried a brass General? I have one you could use. I nickle plated it as the tarnished brass drove me nuts!
Have you tried a brass General? I have one you could use. I nickle plated it as the tarnished brass drove me nuts!
Yes! Yours is the one I tried a couple years ago that I loved, that pushed me into wanting an AC SE.

I’d want to do exactly what you did with yours.
I often considered buying more hardware, but then I ask myself why mess with what works? The only thing that really tempts me are more straights. But I use them so rarely that my 3 really should be enough.
I often considered buying more hardware, but then I ask myself why mess with what works? The only thing that really tempts me are more straights. But I use them so rarely that my 3 really should be enough.’s the usage that really gets me. I hate it when stuff sits and collects dust. Out of my total of about 25 razors, I probably only use 5 of those on a regular basis cause they work the best for convenience at a given moment. The rest just look pretty in their racks 😕
Shave #100 (459 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Proline blade, Graydog Art Deco brush, Clown Puke tub soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Skin Bracer AS, and Encre Noire to finish!

Great, no alarms wake up this morning. Wish I could have that more often. 😂

Another superb Vector shave in the books. Rich, first class scents to accompany. Yummy!

Fairly lazy day ahead. Going out for a coffee and walk with the missus. Got quite a big chunk of writing done yesterday but I’ll continue the groove today hopefully and knock out a bit more between some light chores.

Hope you’re all having a great Saturday as well!
Shave #101 (459 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:

Gear: Henson Medium Alu, Gillette Platinum blade, Yaqi Sagrada Familia synth brush, Proraso Red soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Proraso Red AS, and Hugo Boss to finish!

5 day we go!

Had a great 2 day break overall. Back to the faux 3017 software grind though! Brought out the Henson, since it’s been months since it’s last use. Took about a pass and a half to get back in the groove with it. It’s got a really particular shave angle that you have to get juuuuust right. Pretty darn good shave today though. Using up the Hugo Boss just to use’s a meh frag. Kind of a PR 1 Million dupe from what I can tell but a tad less fruity.

Have a blessed Sunday all!
Shave #102 (459 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:

Gear: Henson Medium Alu, Gillette Platinum blade, Stirling 2-band synth brush, Proraso Red soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Proraso Red AS, and CK Eternity to finish!

Ugh. Woke up an hour early because the AC randomly started going. Dozed off. Then woke up 30 minutes before the alarm because the dogs were clawing at the back door. 🥱

Good shave to freshen up a bit though. Not much to report. Slightly better than yesterday’s shave.

Today’s shift will be a bunch of cleanup and then a little setup for the few events today. Exciting! Not really 😂

Have a great Monday all!
Shave #103 (459 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:

Gear: Henson Medium Alu, Gillette Platinum blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ pony synth brush, Proraso Red soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Proraso Red AS, and Encre Noire to finish!

Felt like a pretty decent sleep but still felt groggy on wake up...if that makes sense?

Great shave this morning. Probably one of the better Proraso lathers I’ve gotten. Fluke or soap being used regularly a contributing factor? IDK.

Already at to it!

Have a great Tuesday all!
Shave #104 (459 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:

Gear: Henson Medium Alu, Gillette Platinum blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, Proraso Red soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Proraso Red AS, and Bvlgari Man Glacial Essence to finish!

Same wake up situation as’s weird but I’ll take it.

Great shave! Glacial Essence and Proraso Red might not exactly go together...but at least they don’t heavily clash.

Just looked a the weekend weather forecast...high 80s to low 90s...there goes Spring!

Have a great Wednesday all!