Shave #295 (452 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, SV/TSC Il Re Tasso d’Oro brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 220:
Up early today, time to get the kids fed and in their classes anyway. A little bit of breakfast, a cup of coffee of course, and the day is started!
Great shower n shave! I contemplated bringing the Feather out for the week but then my Vector looked at me with sad puppy’s been a few weeks at least! So Vector it was! Even the Feather Pro that was beginning to be questionable in the SS, behaved for it’s use in the Vector today. Such a wonderful razor!
I still want to find the original brass General at some point, maybe get it replated in nickel like Monkey’s. I think that, with finding a suitable knot for the Graydog Steve has waiting in the wings, and I’d be happy for a while in terms of shaves; neither is probably going to happen for a while though lol, such is life! I could probably stand to sell off some of my DEs and find something new as well...out of the 8 or so I have, only 2 really see use regularly.
Thankfully it’s my off-week on yard work. So today is a lot less rushed/hectic than last week’s Wednesday.
Hope you’re all having a good Hump Day!