The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Not since the Army thankfully Dave. You go get em brother.
Oh I don't have to anymore since I've quit my Cracker Barrel accounts which is a funny story that includes a phone call from their headquarters in Lebanon Tennessee I'll have to tell someday. But those 2 to 3 a.m. wake ups to cover those six accounts has got me stuck with an alarm clock in my head waking me up way too early when I don't have to 😂😂😂😂
It’s very rare that I wake up before an alarm, but I also feel cheated. Have a great day!
Thanks Tim!
Have a good one Chris!
Thanks Pat!
What’s even worse. Wake up on a day off. When the alarms not set. Just because your body has been waking up at 0530 for 23 years ☹
I’ve not had a set schedule more than a couple years at most; thankfully there’s only a small number of times that I’ve had that kind of issue...but I have had to adjust to a wide range of shift hours during my previous working years...don’t know if that’s better or worse!
Pfff, try 4am......😟
The earliest I’ve ever had to wake up was when I worked stocking at a grocery chain. Inventory days we’d have to be in at 1 am. Thankfully it was never more than once every couple weeks. Those were rough days though for sure!
Oh I don't have to anymore since I've quit my Cracker Barrel accounts which is a funny story that includes a phone call from their headquarters in Lebanon Tennessee I'll have to tell someday. But those 2 to 3 a.m. wake ups to cover those six accounts has got me stuck with an alarm clock in my head waking me up way too early when I don't have to 😂😂😂😂
I hope they provided breakfast, including their delicious hickory smoked ham 🐷
Shave #245 (433 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Astra SP blade, RR 400 synth brush, LNHC Coconut Oud soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, RR The Stallion AS, and as-of-yet undetermined frag to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 170:

Another day another dollar!

The 400 did a fantastic job today building up a mostly in-tub lather of Coconut Oud...trying to make some good suds out of the extreme ring of soap remaining. 3 easy peazy passes and some cleanup with the GC left me BBS with no irritation. A generous splash of the fun Stallion scent and all that’s left is to figure out what frag to throw on before heading out the door.

I’m sure some of you who follow along (or at least who will skim read the right parts 😜 ) have noticed that I haven’t talked much at all about my TSC/SV collab brush (tentatively nicknamed “il Tasso d'Oro”). Suffice to say there are some issues that are being very generously handled and hopefully I’ll get to enjoy the process of using it soon!

Off to the hamster wheel!

Have a great Tuesday all!
Shave #246 (434 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, RR GC .68, Astra SP blade, RR 400 synth brush, CBL Money tonsorial soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Barbasol Pacific Rush AS, and 4711 Ice EDT to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 171:

Industrious morning!

Gave myself a little sleep in time but still needed to get up before the heat crept in for the the day. Sadly we’re working our way back up into the 100s this weekend, topping out at 107 Sunday.

Had to take care of the yardwork this morning though...despite the heat, the humidity must have been a factor in everything pulling what seemed like 50% extra growth over the last couple of weeks!

A few hours later, once that was out of the was time for a shower n shave! Pretty nice passes with the Feather, was maybe a little heavy handed, but no long term ill effects. Tried the last sample Todd sent me, 4711 Ice EDT. A nice (what I perceived as) aquatic variation of 4711, sadly with similar longevity to its brethren, but still nice while it lasted. I may favor the original scent a bit more, there was something in the scent composition of this one that was a bit off (though not offensive). Even the Barbasol PR scent is lasting longer, so it’s a moot point lol. I’ll through on something else for scent shortly.

Last day of summer freedom for the kids. They have two “introductory” sort of days, then the 3 day weekend, then it’s on like Donkey Kong. Looks like the two older (Jr High and High School) will be doing 3 classes per day (so 3 classes get M/W then the other 3 classes get T/Th), totaling about 3-4 hours of Zoom class, then lunch, then it’s expected that they self-study till their assignments for the day are completed. Sounds good to me, we’ll see how it plays out!
Have a great Wednesday all!
Last day of summer freedom for the kids. They have two “introductory” sort of days, then the 3 day weekend, then it’s on like Donkey Kong. Looks like the two older (Jr High and High School) will be doing 3 classes per day (so 3 classes get M/W then the other 3 classes get T/Th), totaling about 3-4 hours of Zoom class, then lunch, then it’s expected that they self-study till their assignments for the day are completed. Sounds good to me, we’ll see how it plays out!

my middle & high schooler start next Tuesday. I was gonna say I am not looking forward to beIng the new lunch lady, but i guess I’ve been doing that role since mid-March (and hearing all the groans since then too).
Shave #247 (434 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, CBL Grassroots Lavender soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Pinaud Clubman Vanilla AS, and Atelier Vanille Insensee to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 172:

Up n at em early. Ended up having to work today and probably tomorrow too. That sucks.

Wouldn’t be a proper day if I didn’t get my shave in though! Decided to take up the Vector today. The Feather Pro in it is well used but still going for the time being. Whipped up a great lather with the Paladin. Hadn’t used Pinaud Vanilla in a while so splashed a heavy does of that on. It’s pretty decent for scent. It’s a much more light and palatable version of Clubman with reduced citron presence and a vanilla twist. Topped off with a few dabs of Atelier Vanille and I’m good to go.

Kids start the madness today. I was hoping to be here to help it get started, but oh well.

Where’s that cup of cold brew...

Have a great Thursday all!