The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

I would hope any outdoor solution includes you in traditional Hawaiian attire waving palm fronds to keep people cool!
Ain’t no body wanna see my farmer’s tan after working outside so many days in the last couple months!
Time for an old fashioned tent revival?

I’ve been to some cowboy churches that held service in a barn with hay bales for seats.
That would be cool! Sadly any setups must be temporary. We have only the options of parking lot or a small preschool open grass area. Either must be set up and taken down in the same day.
The Vector and Big Bruce! A natural pairing, but an infringement on my trademark, sir.
And I didn’t pay no royalties neither! So there! 😜
Shave #219 (421 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ brown synth brush, Zingari The Healers soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Fine AB AS, and Fine AB EDT to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 144:

Semi-sleep-in this morning. Still, had set an alarm so I would not laze around too much. Got up and got to bangin out the yard work for the week. Yesterday morning and this, we had some nice, cool, slightly overcast weather. It burned off by noon, but it was perfect weather to motivate me to get goin.

Shower n shave when the yard work was finished. Was going to use some DG After the Rain that a couple folks used this last week but last minute I couldn’t help myself and changed my mind to Zingari Healers. Love the base and scent...sadly still getting a slight reaction from this particular scent. This one is definitely going on the trade list for a different Zingari. Finished up with the oh-so-wonderful Fine AB combo.

I do have to head in to work for an hour or two this afternoon as we explore possible setups for outside worship on campus. Taking in my sledgehammer too so some old cabinetry can be busted up for the dump.

Have a great Thursday all!
Looks like I'm using my CBL Barbershop and Fine AB combo tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration!

Drink some water.
Shave #220 (422 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folder, Feather Pro blade, RR GC .68, Astra SP blade, Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger brush, CBL SIR Fougere tonsorial soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Pitralon Classic AS, and Royall Rugby to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 145:

Bit of a rough sleep...just couldn’t get comfortable and it was a bit stuffy. Did get to sleep in slightly though.

Very nice, cool shave this morning. Decided I wanted something refreshing, light, and clean...SIR Fougere tonsorial fit the bill perfectly! Two smooth SS passes with a pass of GC on cleanup. Very nice.

Weekend, here I come!

Have a great Friday all!
Shave #221 (423 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folder, Feather Pro blade, Schick M Adjustable injector, Schick blade, Yaqi Segrada Familia synth brush, CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Old Spice AS, and Stirling Glastonbury EDT to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 146:

Decent rest. Woke up at a decent hour win!

Normal Saturday chores to accomplish today. Before that...a shave! Inspired by Frank, I brought out the CBL ROS today...yum yummmm! Only about an ounce and a half left sadly of this, the original formula and batch. To say I’m savoring it slowly would be an understatement :ROFLMAO: . Pretty good shave though, just a little irritation on the upper lip. Finished off with some generous doses of Old Spice and a few spritzes of Glastonbury...very nice!

It’s official...our church’s first outdoor worship will be next Sunday. Unfortunately health restrictions constrain us to only being able to use our own campus to meet. We have very little outside meeting space that might be adequate for such a social-distanced gathering, so sadly, we must use our back parking lot. Everything must be set up and taken down within the same day, meaning all hands on deck as far as the custodial crew and I’ll be having to work a Sunday morning for the first time in many years. Hopefully the cool weather holds for that day, otherwise it’ll be quite the human BBQ out there!

Off to take care of that adulting stuff!

Have a great Saturday all!