The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #86 (400 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ brown synth brush, CBL Balsamic Oud tonsorial soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and Avon Deep Woods to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 11:

Days are long in the doing and yet short in hindsight.

We’ve settled into a semi-routine at home. Still plenty of complaining, but it’s something.

Nice shower n shave today. About time to trim my hair up...getting those Asian poof-ball sides. Have seen a few folks using their vintage Avon in the last week...I keep forgetting that I have some too! Thanks @Dave in KY! Whipped up a slick, luxurious lather with CBL tonsorial - a 10ish second load on a slightly bloomed puck, with a damp brush, had me enough lather for 6+ passes...seriously! The Vector skated along, only a couple little nicks on overzealous follicles. I think I’ll keep on to the end of the month then switch to my GC and my injectors for a bit. Still not yet ready to get back to the Feather SS.

Keep on keepin on out there friends!

Have a great Thursday all!
Shave #87 (400 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Schick M Adjustable, Schick Twin blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, CBL Bingo Bomb soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Fine Platinum, and Creed Aventus Cologne to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 12:

Wrecking ball of a day...

All morning was absorbed with tending to the eldest doggie. Starting at 2 am she was hacking and had an accident in the house, but she was kind of frozen stuff and disoriented. Took a lot of coaxing to get outside, get things cleaned up, and get her kenneled till official wake up time. When we got up at about 7:30 since the other dogs were rustling, she was cognizant, looked dazed, but still frozen inside her kennel even when the door was opened. Finally got her outside and called the vet. Got her in at 10:30. Not a good prognosis for her age and multiple issues coming to a head. I’ll spare further details but has to call the family to come say their goodbyes and I sat with her as she was put to sleep.

First dog death we’ve had to deal with. Hit the boys pretty hard since she’s basically been around since my oldest was born. Sad day.

Needless to say, we’re taking it easy. Had a late shave. All good otherwise.

Tonight we celebrate Napoli’s life with a family movie and a bunch of popcorn, one of her favorite treats!

Have a great Friday all!
Sorry for your pain. Two weeks ago we had to put my wife's cat down, he was about 20 and she had him since a kitten, before she ever knew me. We stayed with him too, we owed him that. Broke our hearts but we knew it was the right decision.
It's never easy.
Sorry to hear that Gear. Hard on everyone for sure.
Sorry for your pain. Two weeks ago we had to put my wife's cat down, he was about 20 and she had him since a kitten, before she ever knew me. We stayed with him too, we owed him that. Broke our hearts but we knew it was the right decision.
It's never easy.
Thanks guys! It was actually a new experience for all of us.m now that I think about it. I was spared losing my first dog since it stayed with my parents when I moved off to marriage/college. My FIL “took care” of those things in my wife’s family, animals just “ran away” (disappeared) when it was time. I mean we’ve lost other, little critters - mini frogs, insects, mini lizards, etc. Seems nothing hits you like a dog or cat (or horse?) though.