Shave #25 (400 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Stirling 2-band synth brush, Stirling Agar soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Lucky Tiger AS, and Dior Sauvage to finish!
Lazy morning, got to sleep in a bit. Darn dachshund has been waking me up a couple times a night jumping up and down to/from the bed and then when she lays down on it, she’s like a lump and doesn’t take hints to move.
Shave was stellar per usual with the Vector. Went for the Agar + Blurple combo today.
Last day of work for the week...and the busiest. Upward basketball almost all day, a memorial service, and a full on choral rehearsal and concert, plus getting the campus cleaned up and setup for services tomorrow as well. We’ll have a few thousand people streaming in and out through the day. I’m tired just thinking about it! Mostly hoping nothing disastrous pops up.
Have a shot/puff for me Cadre, and have a great Saturday all!