The Shaving Cadre

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Hello guys I’m new in this forum but having really hard time with my shaves. Please help

OK, watching now, and commenting as I go.

1) You loaded that soap for a solid 60 seconds. That's more than necessary. It's not about the length of time. I say 30 seconds as an average, but each soap is going to be different. some need more, other need less. It's all trial and error. You lather for a little bit, and if you don't have enough, you go back to the puck and get some more, no big deal. Tabac should lather quickly, and 20 seconds may be all you need. You just go by feel and looks.

2) Pre-shave cube. If it's a pre-shave, then you use it before you shave, right? Seems like you should have just lathered the pre-shave soap, let it clean your face, then rinse it off. Then you lather with your shave soap. I'm not sure why you would lather your shave soap on top of your pre-shave soap. If you've watched our other videos, most of us don't use any pre-shave products at all. My preshave is my shower, that's it. But regardless, you used a ton of pre-shave soap, and the Tabac lather on top of that was way too much. It did not appear that you had enough water worked into your lather and that your lather was quite thick. You mentioned that you felt like the lather was drying as you shave.... evidence you didn't have enough water to begin with.

3) Each pass you should be removing the lather right down to the skin. If there is any lather left from the pass, then your angle is off, or your pressure is wrong. But based on you repeating how you were trying to not use any pressure, I think you werent using enough pressure. It looks like you were letting the razor glide on top of the whiskers, and not allowing it to cut.

We say no pressure, because most people are coming from a Gillette Mach3 or Fusion razor. You can press those razors as hard as you want into your face and they will not cut you, so most guys are used to using a lot of pressure. That's why we have to stress over and over about no pressure..... but you actually do need some pressure. You need to hold the razor on your face, and use enough pressure to keep it there. It almost looks like you are intentionally holding it off your face at times.

4) It also appeared that you were holding the razor handle too parallel to your face, which makes your angle too steep, and makes the blade scrape across the whiskers, rather than actually slice and cut them. You mentioned in your PM to me about your riding the cap, but it did not look like you were riding the cap at all.... just the opposite.

5) You also asked me about blades. If you feel that one of your other blades would be more comfortable, or you've had better results with, then switch. But your issue is not with the blade, so whatever blade you want to use, stick with it until you figure out the rest of your shave.

6) your video was very good, and helped a lot.

7) I'd recommend re watching the instructional video I posted, and especially watching the portion where I'm shaving. Also watch a few of our other members videos and view their techniques.

Thanks Spider. Will definitely keep all this in mind on my shave today. I definitely know my angle is wrong on my cheek, mustache and chin area and will try as best to get that right just like I do it in the neck.

Thanks again guys!

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Here’s a video to help show you some of what I was talking about.

Spider that video was awesome. I really appreciate taking your time doing that!!

Definitely agree with what you said and will definitely try your suggestions!!!

I’ll keep ya updated tonight that I’ll shave again!

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And I’ll definitely keep practicing the lather on my face to see the breaking point with the water.

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And I’ll definitely keep practicing the lather on my face to see the breaking point with the water.
Just be sure to add water slowly, just a few drops at a time. Add too much too fast and you can break it early. You need to make sure it’s well incorporated before adding more.
Just be sure to add water slowly, just a few drops at a time. Add too much too fast and you can break it early. You need to make sure it’s well incorporated before adding more.

Will definitely do!

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Tried another shave tonight.

Definitely not perfect yet but felt a lot better with spiders tips. Getting the hang of the angle and pressure on my cheeks and neck. Mustache and chin area still a little rough but there where a couple of moments where I felt the perfect angle and said aha! So feel I’m in the right direction. Don’t know if I should keep at it with a voskhod or change to maybe a sharper but a little forgiving blade like the personna or polsilver to see if it glides better through the whiskers?

With the alum block I felt a couple of small stingers on the chin and mustache area but nothing to be being mad about. I do not think I’ll get razor burn but normally it takes a couple of hours for that to appear or not appear. We’ll see.

On Thursday my Rockwell 6S finally arrives and am really excited to try that one.

Will keep you guys posted!!




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That's a definite improvement, especially since you face is feeling good after the shave this time! Congrats on the progress.
Great to hear about the slight improvement...enough little improvements and you’ll reach perfection! :cool:

Results photos look much better today. Less stubble missed and very nicely close in some spots!
Great noticeable improvement. As you get the angle regularly and gain muscle memory the other areas like the chin will start to fall into place to. Slow and steady. I wouldn't change to a different make of blade until you get results consistently but it's your decision.
Thanks guys!

Will keep the same blade then. But really wanna try the Rockwell 6S!

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Thanks guys!

Will keep the same blade then. But really wanna try the Rockwell 6S!

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I encourage the use of the 6s which will help you find the angle better. Such an easy razor to use. I would stick with it till getting consistent results but glad you are making progress with the Merkur too.
I encourage the use of the 6s which will help you find the angle better. Such an easy razor to use. I would stick with it till getting consistent results but glad you are making progress with the Merkur too.

Thanks Dave! Do you know maybe which number plate to start? Or should I just go with number 3 plate and see how it goes?

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Thanks Dave! Do you know maybe which number plate to start? Or should I just go with number 3 plate and see how it goes?

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1 and 2 are about useless. 3 would be a good start until you see how it works for you and you may move to 4. Wait on 5 and 6 until you get the technique down.
Pretty awesome stuff! And like the others said...the improvement is noticeable! Keep at it and you will get it. And yes...switch to the Rockwell! It is such a great razor to's just intuitive!
You are doing fine! If you are changing razors, only change the razor! One item at a time so you know what effect that item had on your result. Then stick with it for a while.
Did you shave first with your electric? I think that would really help you out for the first few shaves.
Did you shave first with your electric? I think that would really help you out for the first few shaves.

Yes!!! That helped a lot!! Shaves were smoother for sure. Still struggled a bit on the mustache and chin area but getting there. And best of all no razor burn!

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Yes!!! That helped a lot!! Shaves were smoother for sure. Still struggled a bit on the mustache and chin area but getting there. And best of all no razor burn!

Great. If you do it this way for a while, that will also help your skin get used to it so you can shave daily. THe less stubble you have the easier it wil be to shave. Shaving every few days with coarse stubble can be rough. Knocking down the stubble first, will help you get the feel of the blade and how it should be, without the blade getting caught on your stubble. It'll help you get the hange of it, and eventually you'll be able to remove the electric from the process.