The Shaving Cadre

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For the Love of Old Spice - Illini's Shave Journal

Have you decided what you are going to do career wise? Or still thinking it over?
The naturally slow hiring time of year coupled with the economic uncertainty has left me in a state of "if a good opportunity comes across my desk, awesome, but am being picky and will continue to chose stability." Doesn't necessarily feel the best, but with many of my friends in tech scared for their employment right now, there's something to be said for a very steady paycheck in a mostly recession-proof industry.

Even the humble Tech has some bite to it hm? 😂
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You get careless for a second and even the most gentile razors show their true colors!
Happy Monday Cadre, and this time, it truly is a happy one as it's an EXTREMELY short work week for me. I'm working today, but am off the rest of this week which is some much needed R&R. The weekend was nice around here, cold but celebrated my FIL's 60th birthday and got stuff done around the house so all-in time well spent.

We are not traveling this year (we alternate families every other year on Thanksgiving and this year is my in-laws which traditionally meant traveling down to Florida) and just going to their house 30 minutes away which is fine by me - traveling with a 2.5 year old toddler and 3 month old baby does not sound relaxing in the slightest. Should be lots of relaxing family time this week.

Thanks for stopping by!
Today kicked off my PTO, and it was a nice and relaxing day. We went up to an outlet mall to pick up a winter coat for my daughter, and while perusing Saks Off 5th, I stumbled across a Polo Blue Parfum gift set which included 125mL and 40mL travel bottles. We had tried this one out during a trip to Macy's earlier this summer and both loved it but hated the price.

Expecting this 2022 release to be priced high, I was shocked to see it marked ALL the way down to $59.99. Seemed too good to be true especially since the same set comes up at $134 at Macy's. My wife noticed my excitement and said "if it rings up at $60, consider it an early Christmas gift." Well at the register it did indeed ring up at that price, so I am the proud owner of this gift set. Already sprayed it on and it's just as good as I remembered.

Call me "basic" but there's just something about that Polo Blue DNA that I just love.

Hello Friends! After a busy day back at work it's nice catching up on the goings-on here at the TSC.

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. We stayed local which, with two young ones, was perfectly fine in my book. Spent much of the remaining time off enjoying being with the kiddos, getting the autumn decorations down and all the Christmas ones up. Got everything up on the house and it's looking mighty nice if I do say so myself.

In shavedom, I've brought out my Stirling Christmas Eve shave soap and post shave balm. It's definitely that time of year.

Thanks for reading and stopping by!


Hello Friends! After a busy day back at work it's nice catching up on the goings-on here at the TSC.

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. We stayed local which, with two young ones, was perfectly fine in my book. Spent much of the remaining time off enjoying being with the kiddos, getting the autumn decorations down and all the Christmas ones up. Got everything up on the house and it's looking mighty nice if I do say so myself.

In shavedom, I've brought out my Stirling Christmas Eve shave soap and post shave balm. It's definitely that time of year.

Thanks for reading and stopping by!

House looks nice! But I think there is something missing...

You...from TSC!!!

Hoping things are going well and Happy Holidays!!!
HELLO TSC family, and apologies for the lengthy sabbatical, there's just been a lot going on both at work and at home so I haven't been good at stopping by my favorite place on the internet!

The holiday season is in full swing around here, with the last 2 weekends being jam packed with family gatherings, breakfast with Santa, out of town friends visiting, etc. This is truly the first Christmastime since 2019 that has felt "back to normal" and it's a very welcomed feeling after 3 years. My son is loving all of the Christmas cookies, movies, and basically everything that comes along with the season. Our daughter just turned 4 months old a few days ago, and she's doing wonderfully as well, sleeping through most nights which is a VERY welcomed change for both me and my wife. Sleep regressions will continue to come and go but just having the opportunity to have 7 or 8 hours of mostly uninterrupted sleep makes such a difference.

Work-wise I'm off starting this afternoon through the New Year, which will be super nice. A few things potentially on the horizon in January that I hope materialize, but in the mean time just keeping on keeping on in my current role. With all this time off work, hoping to drop in the TSC with some more frequency and catch up on everyone's lives.

In shavedom, I've been sticking with my Stirling Christmas Eve Soap and balm exclusively since Thanksgiving since it's just perfect for this time of year. In fragdom, really been leaning into Halston Z14 which has become less of a cinnamon bomb in the year+ I've owned it and is a real nice cold weather scent. Also went through some samples including Gentlemen Reserve Privee (my hot take is that MJ Legend gets you 90% of the way there and costs WAY less) JPG Le Beau (nice coconut, would be good for the summer) and Leau Dissey Eau & Cedre (very nice but WAY too shortlived.)

It's looking like we're about to get 4-6 inches of snow coupled with high winds and absolutely bone-chilling cold (going to feel like -43 tonight) over the next 24 hours so we will be holed up here at home, staying warm and enjoying the last of the Christmas season leading up to the weekend.

Thanks for stopping by!

So glad you and the fam are enjoying the holidays - and you’re getting some quality time of!

my hot take is that MJ Legend gets you 90% of the way there
Yeah, but that other 10% is the fantastic boozy rum note - and we all know all great frags have citrus and booze!

absolutely bone-chilling cold (going to feel like -43 tonight
Stay warm and don’t do this!

It's looking like we're about to get 4-6 inches of snow coupled with high winds and absolutely bone-chilling cold (going to feel like -43 tonight) over the next 24 hours so we will be holed up here at home, staying warm and enjoying the last of the Christmas season leading up to the weekend.
Your weather will be in Pittsburgh in a couple of days. Ugh.