The Shaving Cadre

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"End of the World" or "Apocalyptic" themed thread!

Dang man, I went to the grocery store early this morning before work and it was quite bad in Binghamton, NY. Very little meat, no dairy, no bread, and just a few rolls of toilet paper. Many just had a look of fear and dismay on their faces while the rest had a greedy "I'm gonna run you over to get mine!" look. It hit me hard to see all the empty shelves. I got what I could and then went to work. Health officials told us that in 45 days this will peak and hit its apex. Some nodded their heads as if to say "Pheew the worst will be behind us in 45 days." Me, I'm thinking something different. I'm thinking that our situation is going to deteriorate more and 45 days without sufficient food to feed my family. I had my wife prepare a 45 day meal plan for basic meals that stretch and then I left work early and we had to travel to a small store and then to Walmart and other stores 35 minutes away to find shelves with stuff on them. We resisted the urge to grab more than we needed. Several times my wife said "Maybe we should get some of this just in case." and I'd tell her that we would be taking from someone else who might need it more than we do. I encourage everyone to plan for 45 days of meals, get what you need and leave something for your neighbor.

I work for the government, and I've been ordered to work from home. I got laughed at when I left work today making two trips to my SUV to take work home with me. Now I'm guessing I did the right thing. I hope the remote access works!
Several times my wife said "Maybe we should get some of this just in case." and I'd tell her that we would be taking from someone else who might need it more than we do. I encourage everyone to plan for 45 days of meals, get what you need and leave something for your neighbor.
I actually struggled with this. In the end...I found what I needed and then left the rest. I will say that if I certain items in the store, I will pick one up when I see them. Not trying to hoard at all...but definitely not trying to go without either. But I won't load up my cart with tons of TP or other stuff.
I almost peed myself when I read this!

Be safe if y'all need to get on one of these today.


Hopefully it doesn't come down to needing to drive around in one of these!
