The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

"End of the World" or "Apocalyptic" themed thread!

I really like the original version of this song and Some of the lyrics I don't agree with from the update but I found this classic song with an updated version for corona.....
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I swear this is the reason the government keeps secrets from us. Could you imagine if they told us that a catestrophic asteroid would be crashing into the earth, or that aliens are real and walking among us?
I'm thinking of setting up a Danger Hound cam for the Cadre's enjoyment. Sadly the only activity you will see them do is getting up from their place of slumber to get a drink, eat, or want to go outside to pee.
They're really taking the virus seriously at work now. Every time I walk in the door they point a gun at my head and ask if I have a cough. They don't ask if I have a fever, though, that's what the gun is for.