"TSC's Master of Bourbon"
Journal Entry #178
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Williams Mug modern soap
Razor: Gillette NDC 1940's Style Super Speed
Blade: GSB (1)
Brush: RazoRock Barber Handle Plissoft
Soap/Cream: CBL Cigar Shop Cowboy (6)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: Pinaud Clubman SR
Fragrance: none
Packing things up to drive down to the in-laws house...
Shave Quality
Another great shave brought to you by WW2 era America. The 40's Super Speed really worked magic on my face again today, but this time with a GSB. The CBL lather was great. I went with a wetter brush today, however. I just dunked the brush and drained it for a second before putting it to the puck over my copper shave mug. I didn't need to add much water after that and got a very moist lather that wanted to fly around the room. My face is indistinguishable from a baby's butt.
My shaves have really improved this year. I have tried a few new techniques. I have been paying more attention. I have changed up some software. All of it because of The Cadre. Thanks, ladies and gents.
GSBs rock.
Other Thoughts
Received the PIF from Dave of the KY clan today. It is quite a haul. WIth just about all the samples a guy could ask for.
Thank you for the generous PIF, Dave! I can't wait to try all the new stuff. The Pacific Rush smells great.
Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Williams Mug modern soap
Razor: Gillette NDC 1940's Style Super Speed
Blade: GSB (1)
Brush: RazoRock Barber Handle Plissoft
Soap/Cream: CBL Cigar Shop Cowboy (6)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: Pinaud Clubman SR
Fragrance: none
Packing things up to drive down to the in-laws house...
Shave Quality
Another great shave brought to you by WW2 era America. The 40's Super Speed really worked magic on my face again today, but this time with a GSB. The CBL lather was great. I went with a wetter brush today, however. I just dunked the brush and drained it for a second before putting it to the puck over my copper shave mug. I didn't need to add much water after that and got a very moist lather that wanted to fly around the room. My face is indistinguishable from a baby's butt.
My shaves have really improved this year. I have tried a few new techniques. I have been paying more attention. I have changed up some software. All of it because of The Cadre. Thanks, ladies and gents.
GSBs rock.
Other Thoughts
Received the PIF from Dave of the KY clan today. It is quite a haul. WIth just about all the samples a guy could ask for.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.